Please note: New SCIAMACHY Level 1 (v10) and Level 2 (v7.1) products in netCDF format have been released.

The SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CartograpHY (SCIAMACHY) was an advanced imaging spectrometer on board the Envisat satellite mission.
Launched in 2002, SCIAMACHY's primary objective was to perform global measurements of trace gases in the troposphere and in the stratosphere. Its large wavelength range was ideally suited for detecting various atmospheric components, including aerosols, cloud properties, and for the retrieval of surface reflection.
SCIAMACHY was developed by a trilateral German/Dutch/Belgian collaboration under the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Netherlands Space Office (NSO), and Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO) contract involving Dornier Satellitensysteme GmbH and Fokker Space.
Data Description
All Envisat SCIAMACHY products, in accordance with ESA Earth Observation Data Policy, are freely available to any user with an ESA EO Sign In account.
Read more about the available products and the registration process which is required to access them:
Data Tools
Tools available for visualising, processing and analysing Envisat SCIAMACHY data:
Atmospheric Toolbox
The Atmospheric Toolbox (also known as BEAT) is a collection of executable tools and an application programming interface (API) which has been developed to facilitate the utilisation, viewing and processing of ESA GOMOS, MIPAS, SCIAMACHY and GOME data.
SciaL1C Command-line Tool
The SCIAMACHY Calibration and Extraction Tool (SciaL1c) is an application for selecting and applying specific calibrations of SCIAMACHY Level 1b products to the measured spectra.
Auxiliary Data
Auxiliary data from on-ground and in flight sources is sometimes used to help produce data products. Auxiliary data files for SCIAMACHY data products are available to download.
The goal of SCIAMACHY calibration and validation activities was to verify the accuracy and quality of data the instrument acquired. Details are available of the SCIAMACHY Cal/Val Plan, Calibration and Validation Activities.
SCIAMACHY Quality Control Reports
During SCIAMACHY's operational phase, comprehensive Quality Control procedures were implemented to routinely monitor the status of the spacecraft (payload and platform) and to check if the derived products met the quality requirements throughout the mission’s life-time. Product availability, product anomalies, daily and bimonthly reports, and monthly maps are available from SCIAMACHY quality monitoring (the information referenced pertains to the dataset available at the specific time of reporting).