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MERIS Quality Control Reports

Cyclic Quality Reports

The MERIS Cyclic Reports were distributed by ESA-ESRIN GMQ (IDEAS) and were intended to provide the user community with useful information mainly regarding instrument performances and results of cal/val activities, at the end of each Envisat cycle. The reports collected input provided by: ESA-ESRIN GMQ (IDEAS), Quality Working Group, MERIS/AATSR validation team, Brockmann Consult, ACRI-st, Laboratoire d'océanographie de Villefranche, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Frei Universität Berlin and Université du Littoral.

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Level 3

Taking advantage of the re-processing of MERIS Level 2 data, a number of demonstration MERIS Level 3 products were generated for the complete mission. They were processed using the standard Level 2 products processed with the second reprocessing version of the IPF, version 5. Marine, land and atmosphere products are available.
