News & Events
Stay informed on the latest European Space Agency (ESA) Earth Observation updates, including new data releases, satellite mission insights, and upcoming conferences, workshops, and training courses supported by ESA.
Upcoming conferences
Explore upcoming Earth observation conferences hosted or endorsed by the European Space Agency....
EXPLORE MOREAnnouncement of Opportunities News
Find out about the latest changes to deadlines for ESA announcements of opportunity....
EXPLORE MORESpotlight on EO Community
In a series of interviews, meet scientists who use ESA EO data in their research, experts in the community, and ESA teams who manage the missions....
EXPLORE MOREUpcoming workshops
Learn about Earth observation workshops organized or supported by ESA, designed to address satellite related topics....
EXPLORE MOREUpcoming trainings
Discover ESA's training courses, offering essential skills and knowledge for effective data utilization....
Enhanced Access to SPOT 6-7, Pléiades, and Pléiades Neo Collections
Under ESA's Third Party Missions Programme, we are proud to announce that significant updates to the SPOT 6-7, Pléiades, and Pléiades Neo co...
New version of Swarm L2-Cat2 EEF available on Swarm Dissemination Server
The data reprocessing from BoM to present date has been completed for all the three satellites....
NOAA (POES) AVHRR L1C data products now available
Following the new Heritage Space Programme project on NOAA (POES), AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) level 1C data products a...
CryoSat Ocean Baseline D data products now available
We are glad to inform CryoSat data users that the new Ocean Baseline D processors are operational and associated products are now available ...
Success Stories
CryoSat helps crack the last great frontier: sea ice in Canada’s Northwest Passage
Canada’s Northwest Passage is widely known as one of the last great frontiers. 120 years since Amundsen finally cracked its icy narrows, it ...
Heritage data reveal potential interactions between Campi Flegrei and Vesuvius volcanoes
The densely inhabited area of Naples, Italy, between Campi Flegrei caldera and the Vesuvius volcano, is one of the most hazardous regions in...
How Swarm is helping scientists study the ionosphere
A team of scientists has used Swarm data to refine a model that helps predict the behaviour of the ionosphere. This layer of Earth’s atmosph...
How SMOS could help conserve prehistoric cave art
Paintings etched by our distant ancestors onto walls deep within the Altamira caves in Northern Spain provide an invaluable glimpse into the...
ESA’s VH-RODA workshop lands key innovative results
Held between 2 and 6 December 2024, at ESA’s Earth Observation centre in Frascati, Italy, the fifth edition of ESA’s Very High-Resolution Ra...
How ESA's Third Party Missions support companies around Europe
Europe needs a strong commercial space sector to drive innovation and economic growth. One way ESA supports this ambition is through its Thi...
Living Planet Symposium 2025: Last chance for abstract submission
ESA's next Living Planet Symposium will take place in June 2025. The symposia are among the largest Earth observation events in the world, a...
First ESA/CONAE PUMAS training in Argentina
The first ESA and CONAE PUMAS (Promotion of the Use and Applications of Mission and Science) training, jointly organised by ESA and CONAE in...
Swarm Alpha VFM anomaly from 7 to 10 December 2024
Due to an issue registered on the VFM (Vector Field Magnetometer) on board Swarm Alpha, several gaps have been identified in the VFM science...
New Dissemination Service for Envisat ASAR Wave Mode data
The three ESA Envisat ASAR Wave Mode collections have been migrated from simple FTPS access to the ESA (A)SAR Online Dissemination Service....
New Swarm Level 2 Accelerometer data available on Swarm Dissemination Server
New batches of Swarm Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie Level 2 Calibrated Accelerometer data, and Level 2 Accelerometer-derived Neutral Thermospheri...
Gaps in Swarm-C EFI products between 19 and 20 November 2024
Due to EFI TII Application Software revision test activities, the EFI instrument onboard Swarm Charlie has been put into Maintenance Mode fo...
Maintenance on the eoPortal on 12 December
A maintenance activity is scheduled on the eoPortal from 11:00 to 13:00 UTC on 12 December. The website will be unavailable during this time...
Aeolus Dissemination Service installation - Scheduled Maintenance on 03 September 2024
A software maintenance on the ADDF-SX-CAT-CFG has been scheduled on 03 September 2024 from 07:30 to 09:30 UTC. There is no downtime of the D...
Maintenance on EO websites on 14 August
A maintenance activity is scheduled on the following websites from 06:30 to 10:00 UTC on 14 August...
Maintenance on EO websites on 1 August
A maintenance activity is scheduled on the following websites from 06:30 to 09:00 UTC on 1 August....