Through the Third Party Missions programme, ESA offers data from a wide range of EO satellite missions developed and operated by other agencies.
What are Third Party Missions?
The Third Party Missions (TPM) programme has been operating for over 45 years and consists of a series of satellites specifically focused on Earth Observation which are owned by commercial and public organisations worldwide.
The programme currently comprises over 50 missions with data sourced from more than 60 instruments which is supplied to users for research and development purposes. ESA promotes the availability of these third party datasets so that they are offered through a single programme for ease of access.
Some examples of Third Party Missions, that are currently operational, include Pléiades Neo, Spire, GHGSat, ICEYE and PlanetScope.
Sample data products from ESA’s Third Party Missions
Samples of data products from a range of Third Party Missions are now available to download, offering a preview of what these missions provi...
International collaboration: Summarising ESA’s Third Party Missions
ESA’s Third Party Missions programme consists of more than 50 missions from around the world. Learn more about the Third Party Missions in t...
Featured Missions
Explore the European Space Agency's Earth Observation satellite missions. Learn all about ESA's dedicated Earth Explorers or collaborations with other agencies through the Third Party Missions programme
Third Party Missions
PROBA-1 is a technology demonstration satellite that later became an operational Earth observation mission....
Pléiades Neo
Third Party Missions
Pléiades Neo is a very high resolution optical constellation of two identical satellites phased at 180° from each other....
Third Party Missions
The SAOCOM (SAtélite Argentino de Observación COn Microondas) satellite series represents Argentina's approved polarimetric L-band SAR const...
COSMO-SkyMed Series
Third Party Missions
COSMO-SkyMed (COnstellation of small Satellites for the Mediterranean basin Observation) Series aims to provide global Earth observation tha...
COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation
Third Party Missions
COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation is at the forefront of radar technology, will ensure improvements and guarantee continuity with the First Gen...
Third Party Missions
The GHGSat mission is dedicated to measuring emissions of greenhouse gases....
Third Party Missions
WorldView-4 was an imaging and environment-monitoring satellite from Maxar of the United States, which offered very high resolution imagery....
Third Party Missions
WorldView-1 helped meet the growing commercial demand for multi-spectral geospatial imagery....
Discover Our Latest Data
NovaSAR-1 new tasking
NovaSAR-1 new acquisition data are available in two baseline acquisition modes: Stripmap – provides the highest resolution of 6 metres with ...
GEOSAT-2 Spain Coverage
The GEOSAT-2 Spain Coverage collection consists of two separate coverages of Spain, including the Balearic and Canary islands, acquired by G...
ALOS PRISM L1C European Coverage Cloud Free
This collection is composed of a subset of ALOS-1 PRISM (Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping) OB1 L1C products from th...
FSSCat products
The FSSCat collection provides hyperspectral data coverage over a number of locations around the world, as measured by the HyperScout 2 sens...
Latest Data Release News
Enhanced Access to SPOT 6-7, Pléiades, and Pléiades Neo Collections
Under ESA's Third Party Missions Programme, we are proud to announce that significant updates to the SPOT 6-7, Pléiades, and Pléiades Neo co...
NOAA (POES) AVHRR L1C data products now available
Following the new Heritage Space Programme project on NOAA (POES), AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) level 1C data products a...
New Landsat-5 TM Data Collections Opened to Users
ESA, through the Third Party Missions (TPM) Programme, is pleased to announce that three new collections of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) d...
ICEYE Dwell mode now available to users
ICEYE Dwell mode products are now available through ESA’s Third Party Missions programme....
Open Announcement Of Opportunities
Announcement of Opportunity for Unseenlabs data
ESA is launching an Announcement of Opportunity for the international scientific community to access Unseenlabs data service of radiofrequen...
Announcement of Opportunity for NovaSAR-1
ESA is launching an Announcement of Opportunity for the international scientific community to access data from the NovaSAR-1 mission for sci...
Announcement of Opportunity for SAOCOM
In cooperation with CONAE (Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales), ESA is launching an Announcement of Opportunity for the internation...
Data Access Guides
How to access Earth observation data distributed by ESA - Fast Registration
Researchers can quickly obtain datasets from ESA’s Third Party Missions and Heritage Missions on a free basis, by using the Fast Registratio...
How to guide for submitting Project Proposals
This detailed guide will show step-by-step how to submit a project proposal, in order to request access to restrained datasets, usually on-d...
How to access data advertised by an ESA Announcement of Opportunity
This guide sets out how to request access to Earth observation data promoted through an ESA Announcement of Opportunity (AO)....
Third Party Missions Data Access Guide
The Third Party Missions data access guide helps identify the various types of data that are available from these missions, the kinds of app...
Quick guide to Project Proposal submission
This infographic provides a quick guide to the Project Proposal submission process....
Quick guide to Announcement of Opportunity submission
This infographic provides a quick guide to learn how to access data or participate in activities offered through ESA's Announcement of Oppor...
Quick guide to Fast Registration submission
Follow this quick guide to learn how to obtain access to datasets offered through ESA's Fast Registration mechanism....