- CryoSat
- Data
- Special Datasets
- Special Datasets Overview
Special Datasets Overview
During the course of the CryoSat mission, a number of special datasets have been released in addition to the primary products:
- CryoSat Roll Campaigns - Download SARIN data acquired during CryoSat's roll campaigns, which are conducted periodically to calibrate the interferometric baseline of the altimeter
- CryoSat STR mispointing angles dataset - Download Star Tracker mispointing angles corrected for the aberration of light. This dataset is particularly important for anyone processing data in Swath Mode
- CryoSat Ground Tracks - Download CryoSat orbit files and ground tracks, available to support data analysis, airborne campaign planning and execution.
- CryoSat Antarctic Digital Elevation Model - Download the current CryoSat product Antarctic DEM.