- CryoSat
- Data
- Data Tools
Data Tools
A number of tools are available for visualising, processing and analysing CryoSat data.

VtCryoSat is a tool designed to simplify browsing and downloading CryoSat products through an interactive, graphical web interface.

CryoSat User Tool
The CryoSat User Tool (CUT) is a Windows stand-alone application for displaying and downloading CryoSat products from remote FTP servers or from local directories.

CS2EO Platform
Visualise and download CryoSat-2, ICESat-2, CryoVEx, Operation IceBridge data and their spatial intersections for a given time window.

ESA's EO Catalogue
ESA's EO Catalogue (EO CAT) allows users to discover and download products among the available datasets from ESA and Third-Party Missions and instruments, using various criteria (spatial, temporal, specific).