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- Instrument Processing Faciliti...
Instrument Processing Facilities
Processor Releases
The Instrument Processing Facilities (IPF) generate operational CryoSat Ice and Ocean data. New versions of the processing baselines are periodically released to implement improvements or fixes for issues that are detected.
The tables below describe the changes that were implemented in the latest IPF release and in each historic release.
Level 1 Ice Products
The current IPF1 installed at the Kiruna payload data segment for level-1 ice products is IPF1 vO2.3 and NRT IPF1 vO1.3.
Detailed information concerning the IPF1 Ice products is available in the latest version of the Product Format Specification document for L1B Ice Processor.
Detailed information concerning the main evolutions for the L1B Ice Processor with respect to the last IPF1 is available in the Baseline E Evolutions document.
Date | IPF Version | Changes to the IPF baseline | Processor versions |
Offline: 20/12/2023 | IPF1 vO2.5 | Minor upgrade of the Ice Baseline-E Processors to resolve two anomalies affecting the generation of Calibration products. No changes were made to the ice products. | Offline: |
Offline: 08/01/2023 | IPF1 vO2.3 | Minor upgrade of the Ice Baseline-E Processors to resolve two recurring processing failures affecting the ice products. | Offline: |
NRT: 06/02/2023 | NRT IPF1 vO1.3 | Minor upgrade of the Ice Baseline-E Processors to resolve two recurring processing failures affecting the ice products. | NRT: |
Offline: 19/01/2022 | IPF1 vO2.2 | Minor upgrade of the Ice Baseline-E Processors to update the Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) in the global attributes of the data file. This required a change to the PCONF file but no changes were made to the processors themselves. | Offline: |
NRT: 16/02/2022 | NRT IPF1 vO1.2 | Minor upgrade of the NRT Baseline-E Processors to update the Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) in the global attributes of the data file. This required a change to the PCONF file but no changes were made to the processors themselves. | NRT: |
Offline: 22/08/2021 | IPF1 vO2.1 | Upgrade of the CryoSat Ice Processors to Baseline-E. This is a major SW upgrade and introduces significant evolutions to the processors with respect to Baseline-D. The update of IPF1 includes:
| Offline: SIR1LRM/7.0 SIR1SAR/7.0 SARIN/7.0 |
NRT: 20/09/2021 | NRT IPF1 vO1.1 | Upgrade of the CryoSat Ice NRT Processors to Baseline-E. The update of IPF1 includes the same evolutions as the Offline IPFs (above), plus:
NRT: 08/03/2021 | NRT IPF1 vN1.4 | Minor update of the NRT IPFs to change the order generation policy and processing mode from ‘NRT’ to ‘Systematic’ in order to reduce the number of gaps in NRT data coverage. NRT products are now generated for all SAR and SIN transitions, and the product file class has been changed from ‘NRT’ to ‘OFFL’. | NRT: SIR1SARNRT/1.4 SARINNRT/1.4 |
Offline: 02/09/2020 | IPF1 vN1.3 | Minor update of the Baseline-D processors to implement amendments to the processor Task Tables. No changes were made to the processors themselves. | Offline: SIR1LRM/5.6 SIR1SAR/5.6 SARIN/5.6 |
NRT: 27/05/2019 | IPF1 vN1.1 | First official release of the NRT IPFs. In order to enable the generation of NRT SAR and SARIn products in near real time (2-3 hours after acquisition), the NRT chain was separated from the existing Baseline-D IPFs. This allows processing to use the L0 Star Tracker products instead of the Star Tracker ATTREF products without delay. | NRT: SIR1SARNRT/1.1 SARINNRT/1.1 |
Offline: 29/04/2019 | IPF1 vN1.1 | Upgrade of the CryoSat Ice Processors to Baseline-D. This is a major software upgrade and introduces significant evolutions to the processors with respect to Baseline-C. The update of IPF1 includes:
| Offline: SIR1LRM/5.4 SIR1SAR/5.4 SARIN/5.4 |
FDM: 27/05/2019 | IPF1 vM3.0 | Minor update of the Baseline-C FDM processors to update the Explorer Geo Correction v4.4, and allow Baseline-C FDM production to be maintained temporarily in overlap with the Ice Baseline-D processors. | SIR1FDM/4.9 |
FDM: 04/06/2015 Offline: 07/05/2015 | IPF1 vM1.0.2 | Software version issued to implement improvements to the FDM mode. This update includes:
Other operative modes (SAR and SARIn) have not been modified at this stage and the processor versions remain unchanged (see below). | SIR1LRM/4.6 SIR1FDM/2.9 |
FDM: 26/03/2015 Offline: 01/04/2015* | IPF1 vM1.0.1 | Software version issued following a major IPF upgrade. This was used to process all products marked by the new Baseline-C and introduces major evolutions to the processors with respect to Baseline-B. The update of IPF1 includes:
* L1 LRM, SAR, & SARIn data from validity 22/02/2015 to 01/04/2015 is a hybrid Baseline-C using the old Baseline-B orbit model. | SIR1LRM/4.5 SIR1SAR/4.5 SARIN/4.5 SIR1FDM/2.8 SIR1LRC1/4.4 SIR1SAC1/4.4 SIR_SIC1/4.4 SIR1SAC2/4.5 SIR1SIC2/4.4 SIR2SIC2/4.4 |
02/04/2014 | IPF1 Vk2.1 | Software version issued to implement amendments to the processor Task Tables. No changes were made to the processor executables or PCONF files. This update includes:
| SIR1LRM/4.2 SIR1SAR/4.2 SARIN/4.2 SIR1FDM/2.5 SIR1LRC1/4.1 SIR1SAC1/4.1 SIR_SIC1/4.1 SIR1SAC2/4.2 SIR1SIC2/4.1 SIR2SIC2/4.1 |
15/04/2013 | IPF1 Vk2.0 | Software version issued in the frame of the CryoSat mission to implement improvements to the FDM mode. Other operative modes (LRM, SAR and SARIn) have not been modified at this stage. This update includes:
| SIR1LRM/4.1 SIR1SAR/4.1 SARIN/4.1 SIR1FDM/2.4 SIR1LRC1/4.0 SIR1SAC1/4.0 SIR_SIC1/4.0 SIR1SAC2/4.1 SIR1SIC2/4.0 SIR2SIC2/4.0 |
01/02/2012 | IPF1 Vk1.0 | Software version issued following the first year of the CryoSat Operations Phase. This was used to process all products marked by the new baseline B and includes the following:
| SIR1LRM/4.0 SIR1SAR/4.0 SARIN/4.0 SIR1FDM/2.3 SIR1LRC1/3.9 SIR1SAC1/3.9 SIR_SIC1/3.9 SIR1SAC2/4.0 SIR1SIC2/3.9 SIR2SIC2/3.9 |
24/01/2011 | IPF1 Vj1.1 | Software version issued for the transfer to operations. This includes the following:
| SIR1LRM/3.9 SIR1SAR/3.9 SARIN/3.9 SIR1FDM/2.2 SIR1LRC1/3.8 SIR1SAC1/3.8 SIR_SIC1/3.8 SIR1SAC2/3.9 SIR1SIC2/3.8 SIR2SIC2/3.8 |
12/07/2010 | IPF1 Vi1.0 | Software version issued in the frame of the CryoSat Commissioning Phase. | SIR1LRM/3.7 SIR1SAR/3.7 SARIN/3.7 SIR1FDM/2.0 SIR1LRC1/3.6 SIR1SAC1/3.6 SIR_SIC1/3.6 SIR1SAC2/3.7 SIR1SIC2/3.6 SIR2SIC2/3.6 |
Level 2 Ice Products
The current IPF2 installed at the Kiruna payload data segment for ice products is IPF2 vO2.2 and NRT IPF2 vO1.1.
Detailed information concerning the products is available in the latest version of the Product Format Specification document for L2 Ice Processor.
Detailed information concerning the main evolutions for the L2 Ice Processor with respect to the last IPF2 is available in the Baseline E evolutions document.
Date | IPF Version | Changes to the IPF baseline | Processor versions |
Offline: 19/01/2022 | IPF2 vO2.2 | Minor upgrade of the Ice Baseline-E Processors to update the Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) in the global attributes of the data file. This required a change to the PCONF file but no changes were made to the processors themselves. | Offline: IPF2LRM/7.1 |
NRT: 16/02/2022 | NRT IPF2 vO1.1 | Minor upgrade of the NRT Baseline-E Processors to update the Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) in the global attributes of the data file. This required a change to the PCONF file but no changes were made to the processors themselves. | NRT: |
Offline: 22/08/2021 | IPF2 vO2.1 | Upgrade of the CryoSat Ice Processors to Baseline-E. This is a major SW upgrade and introduces significant evolutions to the processors with respect to Baseline-D. The update of IPF2 includes:
| Offline: IPF2LRM/7.0 IPF2SAR/7.0 IPF2SRN/7.0 IPF2GDR/7.0 |
NRT: 20/09/2021 | NRT IPF2 vO1.0 | Upgrade of the CryoSat Ice Processors to Baseline-E. The update of IPF2 includes the same evolutions as the Offline IPFs (above), plus:
NRT: 08/03/2021 | NRT IPF2 vN1.2 | Minor update of the NRT IPFs to change the order generation policy and processing mode from ‘NRT’ to ‘Systematic’ in order to reduce the number of gaps in NRT data coverage. NRT products are now generated for all SAR and SIN transitions, and the product file class has been changed from ‘NRT’ to ‘OFFL’. | NRT: IPF2SARNRT/1.2 IPF2SRNNRT/1.2 |
Offline: 02/09/2020 | IPF2 vN1.3 | Minor update of the Baseline-D processors to implement amendments to the processor Task Tables. No changes were made to the processors themselves. | IPF2LRM/5.4 IPF2SAR/5.4 IPF2SRN/5.5 IPF2GDR/5.3 |
Offline: 16/03/2020 | IPF2 vN1.2 | Minor update of the CryoSat Ice Baseline-D IPF2 to resolve a common GDR processing failure encountered during the Ice Baseline-D reprocessing. For a list of all known remaining IPF anomalies (ARs) following this update, please see the Product Status page. | IPF2LRM/5.3 IPF2SAR/5.3 IPF2SRN/5.4 IPF2GDR/5.3 |
NRT: 27/05/2019 | IPF2 vN1.0 | First official release of the NRT IPFs. In order to enable the generation of NRT SAR and SARIn products in near real time (2-3 hours after acquisition), the NRT chain was separated from the existing Baseline-D IPFs. This allows processing to use the L0 Star Tracker products instead of the Star Tracker ATTREF products without delay. | NRT: IPF2SARNRT/1.0 IPF2SRNNRT/1.0 |
Offline: 29/04/2019 | IPF2 vN1.1.1 | Upgrade of the CryoSat Ice Processors to Baseline-D. This is a major software upgrade and introduces significant evolutions to the processors with respect to Baseline-C. The update of IPF2 includes:
| IPF2LRM/5.2 |
FDM: 27/05/2019 | IPF2 vM3.0 | Minor update of the Baseline-C FDM processors to update the Explorer Geo Correction v4.4, and allow Baseline-C FDM production to be maintained temporarily in overlap with the Ice Baseline-D processors. | IPF2FDM/3.9 |
FDM: 28/09/2015 Offline: 30/08/2015 | IPF2 vM1.0.4 | Software version issued to fix an anomaly with the attitude information fields in the L2 SAR and L2i products (all modes). FDM has not been modified at this stage. Changes implemented in this update:
| IPF2LRM/3.1 IPF2SAR/3.1 IPF2SRN/3.1 IPF2GDR/3.1 IPF2FDM/3.1 |
FDM: 04/06/2015 Offline: 07/05/2015 | IPF2 vM1.0.3 | Software version issued to implement improvements to the FDM mode. Other operative modes (LRM, SAR and SARIn) have not been modified at this stage. This update includes:
| IPF2LRM/2.9 IPF2SAR/2.9 IPF2SRN/2.9 IPF2GDR/2.9 IPF2FDM/2.6 |
FDM: 26/03/2015 Offline: 01/04/2015* | IPF2 vM1.0.2 | Software version issued following a major IPF upgrade. This software is used to process all products marked by the new Baseline-C and introduces major evolutions to the processors with respect to Baseline-B. The update includes:
*L2 and L2i LRM, SAR, SARIn & GDR data from validity 22/02/2015 to 01/04/2015 is a hybrid Baseline-C, using the old Baseline-B orbit model. | IPF2LRM/2.8 IPF2SAR/2.8 IPF2SRN/2.8 IPF2GDR/2.8 IPF2FDM/2.5 |
04/03/2014 | IPF2 Vk1.2 | Software version issued to implement amendments to the processor Task Tables. No changes were made to the processor executables or PCONF files. This update includes:
| IPF2LRM/2.6 IPF2SAR_A/2.61 IPF2SRN/2.6 IPF2GDR_A/2.6 IPF2FDM/2.3 |
15/04/2013 | IPF2 Vk1.0 | Software version issued in the frame of the CryoSat mission to implement improvements to the FDM mode. Other operative modes (LRM, SAR and SARIn) have not been modified at this stage. This update includes:
| IPF2LRM/2.5 IPF2SAR_A/2.5 IPF2SRN/2.5 IPF2GDR_A/2.5 IPF2FDM/2.2 |
01/02/2012 | IPF2 Vj1.2 | Software version issued following the first year of the CryoSat Operations Phase. This software is used to process all products marked by the new baseline B and includes the following:
| IPF2LRM/2.4 IPF2SAR_A/2.4 IPF2SRN/2.4 IPF2GDR_A/2.4 IPF2FDM/2.1 |
24/01/2011 | IPF2 Vi1.0 | Software version issued for the transfer to operations. This includes the following:
| IPF2LRM/2.1 IPF2SAR_A/2.1 IPF2SRN/2.1 IPF2GDR_A/2.1 IPF2FDM/1.8 |
12/07/2010 | IPF2 Vh1.5 | Software version issued in the frame of the CryoSat mission Commissioning Phase. | IPF2LRM/2.0 IPF2SAR_A/2.0 IPF2SRN/2.0 IPF2GDR_A/2.0 IPF2FDM/1.7 |
Level 1 Ocean Products
The current IPF1 installed at the Kiruna payload data segment for Level 1 ocean products is COP-IPF1 v4.24.
Detailed information about the products is available in the latest version of the Product Format Specification document for CryoSat Ocean Products.
Date | IPF Version | Changes to the IPF baseline | Processor versions |
NOP: 14/01/2025 IOP: 12/01/2025 GOP: 14/12/2024 | COP_IPF1 v4.24 | Minor update of the CryoSat Ocean Baseline-D processors to implement amendments to the processor Task Tables. No changes were made to the processors themselves. | NOP: IOP: GOP: |
NOP: 30/09/2024 IOP: 28/09/2024 GOP: 30/08/2024 | COP_IPF1 v4.23 | Upgrade of the CryoSat Ocean Processors to Baseline-D. This is a major SW upgrade and introduces significant evolutions to the processors with respect to Baseline-C. | NOP: IOP: GOP: |
NOP: 17/05/2022 IOP: 16/05/2022 GOP: 17/04/2022 | COP-IPF1 v3.13 | Minor SW upgrade to correctly handle a common processing failure affecting the ocean products. | NOP: IOP: GOP: |
NOP: 20/09/2021 IOP: 18/09/2021 GOP: 22/08/2021 | COP-IPF1 v3.11 | Minor SW upgrade to implement the updated Earth Explorer CFI software library into the COP IPF1. | NOP: IOP: GOP: |
NOP: 27/05/2019 IOP: 26/05/2019 GOP: 29/04/2019 | COP-IPF1 v3.7 | Software version issued to fix a number of minor anomalies with respect to the previous version, which include:
| NOP: SIR1LNO/3.5 SIR1SNO/3.5 SIR1NNO/3.5 IOP: SIR1LIO/3.5 SIR1SIO/3.5 SIR1NIO/3.5 GOP: SIR1SGO/3.5 SIR1LGO/3.5 SIR1NGO/3.5 |
NOP: 10/01/2018 IOP & GOP: 06/11/2017 | COP-IPF1 v3.4 | Upgrade of the CryoSat Ocean Processors to Baseline-C. This is a major software upgrade and introduces significant evolutions to the processors with respect to Baseline-B. The update of IPF1 includes:
| NOP: SIR1LNO/3.2 SIR1SNO/3.2 SIR1NNO/3.2 IOP: SIR1LIO/3.2 SIR1SIO/3.2 GOP: SIR1SGO/3.2 SIR1LGO/3.2 SIR1NGO/3.2 |
IOP: 25/03/2015* GOP: 22/02/2015* | COP-IPF1 v2.6 | Software update release containing:
*L2 IOP from validity 25/03/2015 to 01/04/2015 and L2 GOP from validity 22/02/2015 to 01/04/2015 is a hybrid form using the old Baseline-B orbit model. | SIR1LIO/2.6 SIR1SIO/2.6 SIR1SGO/2.6 SIR1LGO/2.6 |
IOP & GOP: 10/04/2014 | COP-IPF1 v2.3 | The first software release of the Level-1 CryoSat Ocean Processor Instrument Processing Facility (COP IPF1). | SIR1LIO/2.3 SIR1SIO/2.3 SIR1SGO/2.3 SIR1LGO/2.3 |
Level 2 Ocean Products
The current IPF2 installed at the Kiruna payload data segment for Level 2 ocean products is COP-IPF2 v4.26
Detailed information about the products is available in the latest version of the Product Format Specification document for CryoSat Ocean Products.
Date | IPF Version | Changes to the IPF baseline | Processor versions |
NOP: IOP: GOP: | COP_IPF2 v4.26 | Minor update of the CryoSat Ocean Baseline-D processors to implement amendments to the processor Task Tables. No changes were made to the processors themselves. | NOP: IOP: GOP: P2P: |
NOP: IOP: GOP: | COP_IPF2 v4.25 | Upgrade of the CryoSat Ocean Processors to Baseline-D. This is a major SW upgrade and introduces significant evolutions to the processors with respect to Baseline-C. The update of IPF2 includes:
| NOP: IOP: GOP: P2P: |
NOP: 17/05/2022 IOP: 16/05/2022 GOP: 17/04/2022 | COP-IPF2 v3.13 | Minor SW upgrade to correctly handle a common processing failure affecting the ocean products. The Pole-to-Pole (P2P) processors have not been modified in this release and the processor versions remain unchanged. | NOP: IOP: GOP: P2P: |
NOP: 20/09/2021 IOP: 18/09/2021 GOP: 22/08/2021 | COP-IPF2 v3.12 | Minor SW upgrade to implement the updated Earth Explorer CFI software library into the COP IPF2 | NOP: IOP: GOP: P2P: |
NOP: 27/05/2019 IOP: 26/05/2019 GOP: 29/04/2019 | COP-IPF2 v3.9 | Software version issued to fix a number of minor anomalies with respect to the previous version, which include:
| NOP: IPF2_NOPM/3.6 IPF2_NOPN/3.6 IPF2_NOPR/3.6 IOP: IPF2_IOPM/3.6 IPF2_IOPN/3.6 IPF2_IOPR/3.6 GOP: IPF2_GOPM/3.6 IPF2_GOPN/3.6 IPF2_GOPR/3.6 P2P: P2P_IOP/1.5 P2P_GOP/1.5 |
NOP: 11/01/2018 IOP: 10/01/2018 GOP: 15/12/2017 | COP-IPF2 v3.6 | Software version issued to fix a number of minor anomalies with respect to the previous version, which include:
| NOP: IOP: GOP: P2P: |
IOP & GOP: 06/11/2017 NOP: 10/01/2018 | COP-IPF2 v3.4 | Upgrade of the CryoSat Ocean Processors to Baseline-C. This is a major software upgrade and introduces significant evolutions to the processors with respect to Baseline-B. The update of IPF2 includes:
| NOP: IPF2_NOPM/3.2 IPF2_NOPN/3.2 IPF2_NOPR/3.2 IOP: IPF2_IOPM/3.2 IPF2_IOPN/3.2 IPF2_IOPR/3.2 GOP: IPF2_GOPM/3.2 IPF2_GOPN/3.2 IPF2_GOPR/3.2 P2P: P2P_IOP/1.1 P2P_GOP/1.1 |
IOP: 25/03/2015* GOP: 22/02/2015* | COP-IPF2 v2.5 | Software update release containing:
* L1 IOP from validity 25/03/2015 to 01/04/2015L1 and L1 GOP from validity 22/02/2015 to 01/04/2015 is a hybrid form using the old Baseline-B orbit model. | IPF2IOP/2.5 IPF2GOP/2.5 |
IOP & GOP: 10/04/2014 | COP-IPF2 v2.2 | The first software release of the Level-2 CryoSat Ocean Processor Instrument Processing Facility (COP IPF2) | IPF2IOP/2.2 IPF2GOP/2.2 |
CryoTEMPO EOLIS Products
Date | IPF Version | Changes to the IPF baseline | Processor version |
07/05/2020 | TEMPO_SWATH | The first software release of CryoTEMPO EOLIS processor | 0.1 |