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Milos Island, Greece: As seen by IRS-1D
Milos Island in Greece is shown in this IRS-1D image from 3 September 2003. Milos is a volcanic island in the Aegean Sea, and one of the Cyclades Islands.
Quick guide to Project Proposal submission
This infographic provides a quick guide to the Project Proposal submission process.
How to request additional data within a Project Proposal via progress report
Project Proposals are required to request access to restrained datasets, usually offered for Third Party Mission products distributed by ESA.
How to submit a Final Report following a Project Proposal
Project Proposals are required to request access to restrained datasets, usually offered for Third Party Mission products distributed by ESA.
End-User Access Policy to ESA and Third Party Mission Data, Tools and Resources
This document describes ESA's Earth observation End-User Access Policy to ESA and Third Party Mission Data, Tools and Resources.
How much data may I request in a Project Proposal?
Access to some restrained data collections distributed by ESA require submission of a Project Proposal. These collections are typically for Third Party Missions when the data provider can only offer a limited amount of data.
How do I access the ESA Third Party Mission (TPM) data?
Access ESA Third Party Mission (TPM) data by applying with 'Fast Registration with Immediate Access' or 'Fast Registration with Approval.
How to find the geographical and temporal coverage of the ESA TPM archive collections
Explore the ESA TPM archive collections, containing Earth Observation data from international partners, and learn how to discover their geographical and temporal coverage for research and pre-operational applications.
What is the ESA online On-The-Fly dissemination service?
Explore ESA's On-The-Fly dissemination service (L-OADS), featuring Third Party Missions and ESAR products enabling immediate downloads upon request with an active EO Sign-In account.
What are the Terms of Applicability?
Essential information about data ordering, accessibility conditions, and distribution constraints for TPM EO data.
Discover the ESA archive data collections offered for the Third Party Missions programme.
FedEO is a data catalogue that provides a unique entry point to a number of scientific catalogues and services for, but not limited to, European and Canadian missions.
A summary of ESA Third Party Mission collections
A new summary is available, showcasing the ESA archives for Third Party Mission collections.
Heritage Space Programme interactive brochure
Learn about ESA's Heritage Space Programme in this interactive brochure.
Heritage Missions brochure
This brochure describes ESA's Heritage Space Programme and includes infographics describing some of the missions in the programme.
ESA and GAF AG continue to offer free-of-charge access to Third Party Mission data
In January 2021, ESA and GAF AG extended their agreement under ESA’s Third Party Missions programme regarding the provision of IRS data and DSMs until the end of 2021.
IRS-1C/1D, Resourcesat-1/2, Cartosat-1 terms of applicability.pdf
This document contains the Terms of Applicability for accessing Resourcesat-1, Resourcesat-2, IRS-1C, IRS-1D and Cartosat-1 third party missions Satellite Imagery data from Indian data sources.
A stroll through Heritage Missions
At ESA's Earth Observation centre—ESRIN—in Frascati, Italy, there is a place where one can walk back in time, to better understand the history and importance of Heritage Missions and their data.
ESA PDGS Jupyter Notebook
A series of Jupyter Notebooks are available, in order to understand how to exploit the API that provides the data access service for different types of datasets included in the ESA PDGS datacube.
ESA's new DataCube service is now available
ESA is pleased to announce the deployment of a new service, called ESA PDGS-DataCube, enabling multi-temporal and pixel-based access to a subset of the data available in the European Space Agency dissemination services.