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  • How to submit a Final Report following a Project Proposal

How to submit a Final Report following a Project Proposal

Project Proposals are required to request access to restrained datasets, usually offered for Third Party Mission products distributed by ESA. When a project proposal is completed, the Principal Investigator (PI) is invited to submit a Final Report, describing the results of the project.

This guide outlines how to complete and submit a final report for a Project Proposal. Learn how to submit a Project Proposal in our detailed guide.

Begin the process of submitting a final report by opening the TellUS Service Catalogue.

In the catalogue, open the "Data Access Services" category, and then "Data Access Administration".

Select the "Publication of Project Proposal Reports" request type. If you are not already logged in to your EO Sign-In account, you will be prompted to do so when opening this form.


Data Access Administration

We suggest that PIs prepare the text for the report in a word-processing application for reference, and then copy and paste it into the relevant fields.

The following fields are mandatory in the report submission form:

  • Project Proposal: Select the ID of the project for which the PI intends to submit the Final report
  • Report type: Select "Final"
  • Status of the project: Confirm that you are submitting this final report to complete your project proposal, and select the checkbox above the field
  • Achievements: Report on any results achieved from the project, which may also include scientific publications. Attachments may be used in the form to provide the results.


Publication of Project Proposal Reports

Under "Public availability of information and attached documents", select "Yes" or "No" depending on whether you wish the report to be made publicly available.

The final report should include the following topics, where relevant:

  • Project objectives and detailed description of the experiment
  • Integration of ESA and/or TPM data and contribution to development/improvement of models
  • Contribution to development/improvement of models
  • Comparison/synergy of ESA and /or TPM data with other data
  • Results of the experiment, including contribution of ESA and/or TPM data
  • Overall assessment of project outcome and divergence (if any) from original objectives
  • Recommendations for improvement (e.g. data products, mission operations, new missions)

When you have completed all of the relevant fields in the report form, use the "Submit" button to send the report.

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