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  • ESA PDGS Jupyter Notebook

ESA PDGS Jupyter Notebook

The ESA PDGS datacube service interface enables a pixel-based access to the data available in the European Space Agency dissemination services, including Heritage Missions (HM), Third Party Missions (TPM) and Earth Explorer (EE) data. Furthermore the platform also provides the datasets that are involved in the data processing activities of the ACIX project.

Besides the Graphic User Interface, it is possible to access and process the described data inside a specific Jupyter interactive computing environment, where the data can be handled exploiting the Python libraries made available for the users. The Jupyter Notebooks are the key application that allows a direct interaction with live coding activity and data visualisation. An active EO Sign In account is required to log in to the Jupyter Notebook.

A series of Jupyter Notebooks are made available, in order to understand how to exploit the API that provides the data access service for different types of datasets included in the ESA PDGS datacube.

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Visit the Jupyter Notebooks website
