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About EarthCARE


ESA's EarthCARE (Cloud, Aerosol and Radiation Explorer) mission launched on 28 May 2024 is the largest and most complex Earth Explorer to date, and will advance our understanding of the role that clouds and aerosols play in reflecting incident solar radiation back into space and trapping infrared radiation emitted from Earth's surface.

EarthCARE is a joint venture between ESA and JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency).

EarthCARE Objectives


EarthCARE employs high-performance lidar and radar technology that has never been flown in space before, with the objective to deliver unprecedented datasets to allow scientists to study the relationship of clouds, aerosols and radiation at accuracy levels that will significantly improve our understanding of these highly variable parameters.

EarthCARE Instruments

The Atmospheric Lidar (ATLID) provides vertical profiles of aerosols and thin clouds. It operates at a wavelength of 355 nm and has a high-spectral resolution receiver and depolarisation channel.

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The Broad-Band Radiometer (BBR) provides measurements of top-of-the-atmosphere radiances and fluxes. It has one short-wave and one long-wave channel with three fixed viewing directions pointing in nadir and aft-directions.
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The Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) provides vertical profiles measurements of clouds and observes vertical velocities of cloud particles through Doppler measurements. It operates at 94GHz.

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The Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI) hosted by EarthCARE provides across-track information on clouds and aerosols with channels in the visible, near infrared, shortwave and thermal infrared.
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