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Meet the EarthCARE DISC team

13 Jan 2025

The EarthCARE Data, Innovation and Science Cluster (DISC) is an international consortium of experts whose aim is to support ESA in ensuring that the different EarthCARE data products are of the highest quality as part of the data user quality framework. To meet this aim, the DISC carries out several different tasks that make use of their product, algorithm, and instrument expertise. Therefore, the EarthCARE DISC is critical to ensuring we get the best possible insight into clouds and aerosols.

Find out more about what the EarthCARE DISC will do and why it is important. 


EarthCARE DISC Team at technical kick off at ESA ESRIN
EarthCARE DISC Team at technical kick off at ESA ESRIN. Copyright: ESA

EarthCARE DISC Team Leaders

