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Toxic Flood in Hungary, October 2010

In October 2010, a toxic flood occurred in Hungary when a reservoir at an alumina processing plant in Ajka burst. The toxic wave inundated nearby villages, including Kolontár and Devecser, causing extensive environmental damage and contaminating rivers with heavy metals, which threatened the Danube's ecosystem. These Envisat satellite images, captured on 15 and 18 October 2010, depict the affected areas.


  • Image 1: Product: ASA_WSM_1P, Satellite: Envisat, Instrument: ASAR wide swath standard image, Instrument Features: 150 m resolution image, Band Combination: Grey Scale, Acquisition Date: 15 October 2010, Orbit Number: 45094, Orbit Direction: Descending
  • Image 2: Product: ASA_WSM_1P, Satellite: Envisat, Instrument: ASAR wide swath standard image, Instrument Features: 150 m resolution image, Band Combination: Grey Scale, Acquisition Date: 18 October 2010, Orbit Number: 45144, Orbit Direction: Ascending

