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New York (USA), 2003

This image uses three ERS-2 SAR images to depict New York City, assigning unique RGB colours to each based on the acquisition date. NYC is situated on an archipelago along the Atlantic Ocean's Eastern Seaboard, including Manhattan, Staten Island (south), western Long Island (Brooklyn and Queens), and the Bronx on the mainland (north). The Hudson River flows into New York Bay from the north, while the East River, a tidal strait, separates the Bronx and Manhattan from Long Island. Notable features include JFK (centre) and Newark (centre left) International Airports, Central Park's green rectangle on Manhattan, and the Port Jersey area on the western shore (the bright red area), where large objects, presumably containers, in different positions on the three acquisition dates result in pure red, green, blue and pink pixels.

  • Image 1: Instrument: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Acquisition Dates: Red: 21 September 2001, Green: 06 May 2002, Blue: 24 January 2003, Orbit number: 33575, 37082, 40598, Frame: 2787, Instrument features: 25 metre resolution

