Hurricanes Georges and Jeanne, September 1998
Hurricanes Georges and Jeanne wreaked havoc in September 1998. Georges impacted the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba, and the U.S., causing severe flooding and extensive damage. Jeanne followed closely, further intensifying the damage in the Dominican Republic. The first image, captured by the NOAA-14 satellite on September 20, depicts Hurricane Georges over the Lesser Antilles. The second and third images, captured by NOAA-14 and an ERS Wind Scatterometre on September 24 and 25 respectively, show Georges over Cuba. The fourth image, from GOES-8 taken on September 26, displays four hurricanes in a row: Georges, Karl, Jeanne, and Ivan. The fifth image, captured by NOAA-14 on September 29, depicts Hurricane Georges over the coast of Alabama. The sixth image, from NOAA-14 on September 22, shows Hurricanes Jeanne (south) and Ivan (north) near the Cape Verde Islands. The final image, captured by an ERS Wind Scatterometre on September 25, features Hurricane Jeanne.
- Image 1: Satellite: Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometre (AVHRR) - NOAA 14, Acquisition Date: 20 September 1998
- Image 2: Satellite: Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometre (AVHRR) - NOAA 14, Acquisition Date: 24 September 1998
- Image 3: Satellite: ERS Wind Scatterometre, Acquisition Date: 25 September 1998
- Image 4: Satellite: GOES-8, Acquisition Date: 26 September 1998
- Image 5: Satellite: Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometre (AVHRR) - NOAA 14, Acquisition Date: 29 September 1998
- Image 6: Satellite: Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometre (AVHRR) - NOAA 14, Acquisition Date: 22 September 1998
- Image 7: Satellite: ERS Wind Scatterometre, Acquisition Date: 25 September 1998