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Forest Fires in Peninsula of Peloponesse (Greece), August 2007

In August 2007, the Peloponnese Peninsula in Greece experienced devastating forest fires, which caused extensive damage to inhabited areas and natural landscapes. The first image, acquired over the Peloponnese Peninsula, shows the fire-damaged area with burnt areas visible in dark red. The second image is a magnified area from the first, where lines indicate active fires due to sensor saturation in band 7. The third image depicts the Peloponnese Peninsula devastated by fire, while the next image displays the same area in a different band combination to highlight burnt areas. The fifth and sixth images show the western part of the peninsula, using different band combinations to emphasize the burnt zones. The last two images showcase the same areas with alternative band combinations to highlight the extent of the fire damage.

  • Image 1: Product: Landsat TM (30 metre resolution), Satellite: Landsat 5, Instrument: Thematic Mapper (TM), Acquisition Date: 27 Aug 2007, Track number: 184/34, Band combination: 7, 5, 2 (RGB), Credit: ©ESA 2007 / Distributed by EURIMAGE
  • Image 2: Product: Landsat TM (30 metre resolution), Satellite: Landsat 5, Instrument: Thematic Mapper (TM), Acquisition Date: 27 Aug 2007, Track number: 184/34, Band combination: 7, 5, 2 (RGB), Credit: ©ESA 2007 / Distributed by EURIMAGE
  • Image 3: Product: MER_FR_1P (300 metre resolution), Satellite: Envisat, Instrument: Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometre (MERIS), Acquisition Date: 30 Aug 2007, Orbit: 28747, Orbit direction: Descending, Band combination: 7, 5, 2 (RGB)
  • Image 4: Product: MER_FR_1P (300 metre resolution), Satellite: Envisat, Instrument: Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometre (MERIS), Acquisition Date: 30 Aug 2007, Orbit: 28747, Orbit direction: Descending, Band combination: 15, 13, 11 (RGB)
  • Image 5: Product: MER_FR_1P (300 metre resolution), Satellite: Envisat, Instrument: Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometre (MERIS), Acquisition Date: 26 Aug 2007, Orbit: 28690, Orbit direction: Descending, Band combination: 7, 5, 2 (RGB)
  • Image 6: Product: MER_FR_1P (300 metre resolution), Satellite: Envisat, Instrument: Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometre (MERIS), Acquisition Date: 26 Aug 2007, Orbit: 28690, Orbit direction: Descending, Band combination: 15, 13, 11 (RGB)
  • Image 7: Product: MER_FR_1P (300 metre resolution), Satellite: Envisat, Instrument: Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometre (MERIS), Acquisition Date: 24 Aug 2007, Orbit: 28661, Orbit direction: Descending, Band combination: 7, 5, 2 (RGB)
  • Image 8: Product: MER_FR_1P (300 metre resolution), Satellite: Envisat, Instrument: Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometre (MERIS), Acquisition Date: 24 Aug 2007, Orbit: 28661, Orbit direction: Descending, Band combination: 15, 13, 11 (RGB)

