How do I find technical information about CryoSat EOLIS or CryoTEMPO product contents or format?
The most useful documents to find information about the CryoSat CryoTEMPO and EOLIS product contents and formats are the relevant Product Handbooks and Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBDs).
How do I find technical information about CryoSat Level-1 and Level-2 ice and ocean product contents or format?
The most useful documents to find information about the CryoSat ice and ocean product contents and formats are the relevant Product Handbooks and Product Format Specifications.
What are the main differences between the current CryoSat IPF Baseline and the previous one?
Find documents which describe the main evolutions implemented in the current operational CryoSat Instrument Processing Facilities (IPF)
Have you noticed something in the CryoTEMPO products that you do not understand?
The CryoTEMPO quality control and validation portal provides monthly thematic product reports, maps and statistical trends of each product's parameters over key areas of interest for each CryoTEMPO theme (land ice, sea ice, polar oceans, coastal oceans and inland waters).