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  • Have you noticed something in the CryoTEMPO products that you do not understand?

Have you noticed something in the CryoTEMPO products that you do not understand?

The CryoTEMPO quality control and validation portal provides monthly thematic product reports, maps and statistical trends of each product's parameters over key areas of interest for each CryoTEMPO theme (land ice, sea ice, polar oceans, coastal oceans and inland waters). The CryoTEMPO products include fully-traceable discrepancies and use the most up to date processing dedicated to each thematic area. Throughout the project, the products will be constantly updated, and validated by a group of Thematic Users, thus ensuring optimal relevance and impact for the intended target communities.

The CryoTEMPO quality control portal provides users with easy access to view product parameters and statistics from each CryoTEMPO product baseline, as soon as they are available.

If this does not answer your question, please submit a ticket to ESA's User Services Portal.

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