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- How do I find technical information about CryoSat EOLIS or CryoTEMPO product contents or format?
How do I find technical information about CryoSat EOLIS or CryoTEMPO product contents or format?
The most useful documents to find information about the CryoSat CryoTEMPO and EOLIS product contents and formats are the relevant Product Handbooks and Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBDs).
The latest product handbooks and CryoTEMPO algorithm theoretical basis documents are listed below:
- EOLIS product handbook
- Cryo-TEMPO product handbook
- CryoTEMPO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document - Land Ice
- CryoTEMPO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document - Sea Ice
- CryoTEMPO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document - Polar Oceans
- CryoTEMPO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document - Coastal Oceans
- CryoTEMPO Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document - Inland Waters
- CryoTEMPO EOLIS Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document