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An overview of EarthCARE's Data, Innovation and Science Cluster

21 Nov 2024

Following the launch of ESA's EarthCARE (Cloud, Aerosol, and Radiation Explorer) satellite in May 2024, a group of experts from 16 organisations are ready to begin work on quality control and calibration and validation activities related to the mission's data products.

The EarthCARE DISC (Data, Innovation and Science Cluster) is dedicated to developing, maintaining, and improving data processing algorithms for products derived from EarthCARE's ATLID (Atmospheric Lidar), MSI (Multispectral Imager), and BBR (Broadband Radiometer) instruments.

EarthCARE DISC infographic
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In addition to their main goal, the DISC will create tools to help users visualise, analyse, monitor, and process EarthCARE data. They will also assimilate data from the satellite into global weather models, including the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS).

The DISC is composed of product, sensor, and processor experts who will work to meet user needs for the data products. The team will take experience from the Swarm and Aeolus missions, each of which have their own dedicated DISCs.
