- News & Events
- VH-RODA 2023
VH-RODA 2023
27-Nov - 30-Nov 2023
Frascati, Italy
The Very High-resolution Radar & Optical Data Assessment (VH-RODA) 2023 Workshop was held in ESA-ESRIN, Frascati (Italy), from 27 - 30 November 2023.
The 4th Edition of the VH-RODA Workshop provided an open forum (for the new space, commercial and institutional space sectors) for presenting and discussing about the current status and future developments related to Earth Observation (EO) data quality, calibration and validation of space-borne very high-resolution SAR and Optical constellations, sensors and data products, with a dedicated focus on commercial EO data providers and related Cal/Val activities, synergies between optical and SAR communities, presentation of standards and best practices for data quality.
Workshop Topics
- Calibration Techniques (requirements, definitions, database, methodologies)
- Calibration Sites (cross-cal/val, intercalibration, field campaigns)
- Fiducial Reference Measurements
- Analysis Ready Data, Digital Elevation Models
- Quality Control, Best Practices, Product Validation
- Processing and Algorithms (including Artificial Intelligence for Cal/Val)
- Cal/Val and Data quality for Constellations and Big Data
- Calibration of Future Missions (Innovative instrument concepts)
Schedule and Deadlines
Details | Deadline |
Abstract submission openings | July 2023 |
New Abstract submission deadline | 20 October |
Acceptance notification | 30 October |
Registration deadline (for in-person attendance) | 17 November |
VH-RODA Workshop | 27 - 30 November 2023 |
Agenda (with Abstracts, Presentations and Posters)
View the agenda and material for the workshop.
Venue and Accommodation
ESA’s Centre for Earth Observation (ESRIN) will host the conference. It is located in Frascati, a small town 20km south-east of Rome in Italy.
Please click here for information about how to travel to ESRIN.
Location Address:
Largo Galileo Galilei, 1 00044 Frascati (RM), Italy
Please find here a list of hotels in Frascati centre recommended by ESA:
Hotel Antica Colonia
Hotel Bellavista (Facebook)
Hotel CaccianiHotel Colonna
Hotel Flora
Hotel Villa Mercede
Hotel Villa Tuscolana
Scientific Committee
- Philippe Goryl, Valentina Boccia, Clément Albinet and Leonardo De Laurentiis (ESA)
- Aime Meygret, Steven Hosford (CNES)
- Laura La Porta (DLR)
- Nigel Fox (UKSA)
- Peter Strobl (EC-JRC)

Workshop Organising Committee
- Philippe Goryl (ESA)
- Clément Albinet (ESA)
- Sabrina Pinori (Serco)
- Valentina Boccia (ESA)
- Peggy Fischer (ESA)
- Muriel Pinheiro (ESA)
- Leonardo De Laurentiis (ESA)
- Antonio Valentino (RHEA)
- Rosalia Fonseca (ESA)
- Montserrat Del Riego Gelabert (SOLENIX)

Contact Information
For any information about the VH-RODA Workshop, please email events.organisation@esa.int
Previous Editions
VH-RODA and CEOS SAR workshop 2019