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Pléiades Neo full archive and tasking

How to Access Data

Project Proposal (Restrained)

  1. Go to the ESA User Services Portal, and apply for one or both of the options depending on your requirements:
  2. Register or log in to EO Sign In - Users are recommended to provide their institutional email address when registering a new account
  3. After logging in, complete and submit the form with your proposed use of the data
  4. The proposal will be evaluated by ESA, which normally takes between 4 and 6 weeks
  5. Upon successful evaluation, you will receive a confirmation email, which describes the amount of data to be provided, and details of how to order the data.
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The collection is open for research and application development projects, exclusively for non-commercial and non-operational activities and for civil Earth observation research applications only. Access to the data requires submission of a Project Proposal, which is subject to evaluation and acceptance by ESA and the data owner.

ESA will support as many high-quality and innovative projects as possible within the quota limit available, therefore only a limited amount of products can be allowed to each project.

Learn more about the quota limit and see a comparison with other missions in our FAQ: How much data may I request in a Project Proposal?

Availability and restrictions to the use of the data are described in the Terms of Applicability document.

If you need help with the proposal form, consult this guide on how to access data requiring a project proposal.

For further information about the EO Sign In Service you can visit TellUs.

Should you need support to prepare your proposal or access the data, please contact EOHelp.

Available to Residents of the Following Countries

Collection Description

Very High Resolution optical Pléiades Neo data at 30 cm PAN resolution (1.2 m 6-bands Multispectral) are available as part of the Airbus provision with twice daily revisit capability over the entire globe. The swath width is 14 km (footprint at nadir).

Spectral band combination options:

  • Panchromatic one band Black and White image at 0.3 m resolution
  • Pansharpened colour image at 0.3 m resolution: Natural colour (3 bands RGB), false colour (3 bands NIRRG), 4 bands (RGB+NIR), 6 bands
  • Multispectral colour image in 4 bands (RGB+NIR) or 6 bands (also Deep blue and Red Edge) at 1.2 m resolution
  • Bundle 0.3 m panchromatic image and 1.2 m multispectral image (4 or 6 bands) simultaneously acquired

Two different geometric processing levels are:

  • Primary: The Primary product is the processing level closest to the natural image acquired by the sensor. This product restores perfect collection conditions: the sensor is placed in rectilinear geometry, and the image is clear of all radiometric distortion.
  • Ortho: The Ortho product is a georeferenced image in Earth geometry, corrected from acquisition and terrain off-nadir effects.

Acquisition modes:

  • Mono
  • Stereo
  • Tristereo
  • HD1515 cm resolution for Panchromatic, 60 cm resolution for Multispectral: Mono image resampled by using machine learning model which increase sharpness and fineness of details without introducing any fake data.

To complement the traditional and fully customised ordering and download of selected SPOT, Pléiades or Pléiades Neo images in a variety of data formats, you can also subscribe to the OneAtlas Living Library package where the entire OneAtlas optical archive of ortho images is updated on a daily basis and made available for streaming or download.

The Living Library consists of:

  • less-than-18-months-old Pansharpened and Bundle imagery
  • a curation of SPOT images with no cloud cover and less than 30° incidence angle
  • Pléiades images acquired worldwide with maximum 15% cloud cover and 30° Incidence Angle
  • Pléiades Neo premium imagery selection with 2% cloud cover and 30° incidence angle
Available subscription packages (to be consumed within one year of activation)
Subscription packageDownloadStreaming
OneAtlas Living Library subscription package 1You may request up to:
230 km2 Pléiades Neo
430 km2 Pléiades
1,500 km2 SPOT
You may request up to:
500 km2 Pléiades Neo
2,000 km2 Pléiades
7,500 km2 SPOT
OneAtlas Living Library subscription package 2You may request up to:
654 km2 Pléiades Neo
1,214 km2 Pléiades
4,250 km2 SPOT
You may request up to:
1,417 km2 Pléiades Neo
5,666 km2 Pléiades
21,250 km2 SPOT 
OneAtlas Living Library subscription package 3You may request up to:
1,161 km2 Pléiades Neo
2,156 km2 Pléiades
7,545 km2 SPOT
You may request up to:
2,515 km2 Pléiades Neo
10,060 km2 Pléiades
37,723 km2 SPOT

Each package provides access to both download and streaming options. Depending on their preferences and needs, users can choose streaming only, download only, or a combination of both. The amounts presented in the table reflect consumption based solely on one type—either streaming or download—from a single mission

All details about the data provision, data access conditions and quota assignment procedure are described in the Terms of Applicability available in the Resources section.

As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided. 

Technical Details


Spatial coverage:
90 N, 90 S, 180 W, 180 E
Temporal coverage:
2021-04-28 - present
Date of launch:
Mission status:
Orbit height:
620 km
Orbit type:
Swath width:
14 km at nadir
Very High Resolution - VHR (0 - 5m)
VIS (0.40 - 0.75 µm), NIR (0.75 - 1.30 µm)


level 1a, level 2a, level 3


Specific restrictions to the use of data may apply for TPMs according to the terms of applicability valid for each mission. Utilisation of this data is subject to ESA's Earth Observation Terms and Conditions.



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