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Envisat ASAR IM Single Look Complex L1 [ASA_IMS_1P]

Envisat ASAR Image Mode Single Look Complex Level 1

How to Access Data

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  1. Go to the Dissemination Service
  2. Find the product you want via a map using the catalogue search
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The ESA (A)SAR On-The-Fly (OTF) data processing and dissemination service allows end-users to gain direct access to the (A)SAR archive from the ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat Missions.

The data is collection based and allows data browse and download through the treeview as well as via geographical catalogue search based on area of interest and metadata. Interferometric search option is available for relevant collections. Data download is available via HTTPS, including bulk download functionality. ESA internal users can use their ESAAD account.

Envisat products can also be discovered through ESA's Exploring Earth service, which allows users to browse and download products among the available datasets from ESA and Third Party Missions and instruments, using various criteria (spatial, temporal).

For information on the (A)SAR On-The-Fly service please refer to the OTF User Manual.

New users can register an account on EO Sign In. For further information about the EO Sign In Service you can visit TellUs

Should you need support to access the data, please contact EOHelp.

Available to Residents of the Following Countries

World Wide

Collection Description

This data product represents a single-look, complex, slant-range, digital image generated from Level 0 ASAR data collected when the instrument is in Image Mode. Seven possible swaths in HH or VV polarisation are available. The product is primarily intended for use in SAR quality assessment and calibration or applications requiring complex SAR images such as interferometry, and can be used to derive higher level products.

The spatial coverage is about 100 km along track per 56 - 100 km across track, and the radiometric resolution is 1 look in azimuth, 1 look in range. The file size is 741 Mbytes. It is worth highlighting that Azimuth pixel spacing depends on Earth-Satellite relative velocity and actual PRF and slant range pixel spacing is given by ASAR sampling frequency (19.208 Mhz).

Auxiliary data include: Orbit state vector, Time correlation parameters, Main Processing parameters ADS, Doppler Centroid ADS, Chirp ADS, Antenna Elevation Pattern ADS, Geolocation Grid ADS, SQ ADS.

Spatial Resolution: Approximately 8m slant range x approximately 4m azimuth.

Technical Details


Spatial coverage:
90.00 N, 90.00 S, 180.00 W, 180.00 E
Temporal coverage:
2002-10-18 - 2012-04-08
Date of launch:
Mission status:
Orbit height:
800 km
Orbit type:
Swath width:
5 - 1150 km


level 1b


Utilisation of this data is subject to ESA's Earth Observation Terms and Conditions


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