- Data Access
- How to access Earth observatio...
How to access Earth observation data distributed by ESA - Fast Registration
Researchers can quickly obtain datasets from ESA’s Third Party Missions and Heritage Missions on a free basis, by using the Fast Registration mechanism.
This guide sets out in detail how to complete the process.
The mechanism consists of Fast Registration with Immediate Access and Fast Registration with Approval.
The Immediate Access process covers open datasets, which can be obtained following the submission of a simple form.
Fast Registration with Approval – which applies to data that are subject to certain geographical restrictions or the verification of user identity – requires the submission of a request to ESA and, if approved, access is granted within two working days.
The Quick Guide
Follow this quick guide to learn how to obtain access to datasets offered through ESA's Fast Registration mechanism.
The Full Guide
1. Browse and Select data
Users can browse and select data covered by the Fast Registration with Immediate Access mechanism.
Data covered by the Fast Registration with Approval Mechanism can also be found.
Once you have selected a dataset that satisfies your research needs, you can use the ‘ESA User Services Portal’ link in the ‘How to Access Data’ section of the dataset description page to begin the process of requesting the data.
2. Log in or Register to EO Sign in
To proceed to the relevant Data Access form, users with an active ESA EO Sign In account should then use their credentials to log in. Users who do not have an account can create one by clicking ‘register now’.
3. Prepare and Submit Data Access Forms
For Fast Registration with Immediate Access, the Data Access forms retrieves the details of your account, so no inputs are required before submission to ESA.

For Fast Registration with Approval, the Data Access form also retrieves your account details but, in addition, you must fill in information related to the domain of the project by selecting an option from a drop-down list.
After submitting the form, it will be reviewed by ESA to ensure the request meets the geographical criteria of the restrained dataset. In some cases, the user identity and eligibility is also verified. This process normally takes up to two working days.

4. Download Data
After submitting the form, or after your request is successfully evaluated in the case of Fast registration with approval, you will receive two emails providing details of how to download the dataset.
5. Promote the result of the Project
After completion of the project, users are encouraged to contact the Earth Online editorial team to discuss the possibility of preparing a Success Story about the research and the use of data disseminated by ESA. The editors can be reached at: contentmatters4earthonline@ejr-quartz.com.