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ALOS PALSAR International Polar Year Antarctica

How to Access Data

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  1. Go to the ESA User Services Portal
  2. Register or log in to EO Sign In - Users are required to provide their institutional email address when registering a new account
  3. Submit the form for accessing the data
  4. The request will be evaluated by ESA, which normally takes up to 2 days
  5. Upon successful evaluation, you will receive a confirmation email
  6. A second email will follow with details of where to download the data
  7. Search and download the products from the Dissemination Service (via a map).
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All ALOS-1 products are freely accessible in accordance with ESA’s Earth observation data policy. An active EO Sign In account is required to download the products.

In the ALOS PALSAR Online Dissemination Service and catalogue the data is collection based and allows data browse and download through the treeview or using a static map.

ALOS products can also be discovered through ESA's Exploring Earth service, which allows users to browse and download products among the available datasets from ESA and Third Party Missions and instruments, using various criteria (spatial, temporal).

New users can register an account on EO Sign In. For further information about the EO Sign In Service you can visit TellUs.

Should you need support to access the data, please contact EOHelp.

Available to Residents of the Following Countries

World Wide

Collection Description

International Polar Year (IPY), focusing on the north and south polar regions, aimed to investigate the impact of how changes to the ice sheets affect ocean and climate change to the habitats in these regions. IPY was a collaborative project involving over sixty countries for two years from March 2007 to March 2009. To meet the project goal, world space agencies observed these regions intensively using their own Earth observation satellites.

One of these satellites, ALOS - with the PALSAR (Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) sensor - observed these regions independently from day-night conditions or weather conditions.

Carrying on this initiative, ESA is providing the ALOS PALSAR IPY Antarctica dataset, which consists of full resolution ALOS PALSAR ScanSAR WB1 products (100 m spatial resolution) over Antarctica from July 2008 (cycle 21) to December 2008 (Cycle 24) and from May 2009 (cycle 27) to March 2010 (cycle 31). Missing products between the two periods above is due to L0 data over Antarctica not being available in ADEN archives and not processed to L1.

Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

Technical Details


Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
Spatial coverage:
50 N, 90 S, 180 W, 180 E
Temporal coverage:
2008-07-25 - 2010-03-31
Date of launch:
Mission status:
Orbit height:
691.65 km
Orbit type:
Swath width:
250 - 360 km
Medium Resolution - MR (20 - 500 m)
L-Band (19.4 - 76.9 cm)
Product types:


level 1.5


Utilisation of this data is subject to ESA's Earth Observation Terms and Conditions


European Space Agency, 2019, ALOS PALSAR International Polar Year Antarctica, Version 1.0.


Product Specifications

ALOS/PALSAR Level 1.1/1.5 product Format description

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