- Tools
- GOCE User Toolbox
- GUT data
GUT data
Dataset support
The GOCE User Toolbox (GUT) supports the following datasets:
- L2 GOCE Dataset (EGM_GOC_2 Product Type only)
- netCDF (in Climate & Forecast 1.1 Convention)
- ASCII GRAVSOFT (Grid Format)
- ASCII ICGEM (Spherical Harmonics Format)
L2 GOCE Data Products ingestible in GUT are only of the EGM_GOC_2 type and the pair HDR/DBL is needed.
The fields that GUT is able to read/handle from this data product type are:
- EGM_GCF_2: Spherical harmonic series
- EGM_GEO_2: Grid with geoid heights
- EGM_GAN_2: Grid with gravity anomalies
- EGM_GVE_2: Grid with east-west vertical deflections
- EGM_GVN_2: Grid with north-south vertical deflections
In order to ingest netcdf data in GUT, they must fulfill with the Climate & Forecast Metadata Convention (Climate and Forecast v1.2 or higher).
In addition, GUT uses auxiliary data such as MSS, MDT, and DEM in NetCDF format (Climate and Forecast standard).
The DEM, used internally in GUT, comes from "De Montfort University" ACE2 dataset.
Data output formats
The current data formats that GUT can provide in output are:
- netCDF (Climate and Forecast Metadata Convention Adopted)
- ASCII GRAVSOFT (Only gridded format)
- KML wrapper file (Only gridded format)
- TIFF image file (Only gridded format)
Sample data
Download sample data from GUT to see examples of what the tool outputs.
Absolute Dynamic Topography
- Absolute Dynamic Height in the Aghulas Current Area from a GUT apriori mean dynamic topography (MDT) and a GUT apriori SLA file: Download adt_aghulas.nc
Geoid Height
- Global Grid of Geoid Heights from HPF Coefficients at Degree-Order 180 GRS80 Ellipsoid Tide-Free System: Download geoidheight.nc
- Global Grid of Geoid Height from EIGEN Coefficients at Degree-Order 50 GRIM Ellipsoid Tide-Free System: Download GRID_NHS50_EIGEN_GL_6S.nc
Geostrophic Velocity
- Zonal Velocity Component of the Ocean Geostrophic Surface Currents from the GUT apriori RIO05 MDT: Download MDT_RIO05_30M_U.nc
- Absolute Geostrophic Circulation in the Gulf Stream Area on 7 June:
Gravity Anomaly
- Gravity Anomaly in the Alps Mountains Area: Download gravity_anomaly.nc
- Global Gravity Anomaly from HPF Coefficients: Download GUT_GOCE2_Example_GA.nc
Remove&Restore Technique A MDT
- Combined MDT Using a Remove-Restore Technique in the Gulf stream area: Download RR_stepbystep_gs.nc
- Computation of Combined Mean Dynamic Topographies Using the Remove-Restore Technique A: Download mdtc_A_max.nc
Remove&Restore Technique B MDT
- Computation of Combined Mean Dynamic Topographies Using the Remove-Restore Technique B: Download MDTC_rio_natl_grid.nc
Spatial Filtering
- 200 Km Scale Length Gaussian Filtered Difference Field between the MSSH CLS01 and the EIGENGL04C geoid model:
Spatial Satellite-Only MDT
- Global Grid of Spatial Satellite-only MDT from the GUT apriori Geopotential and Mean Sea Surface Height files, using a Hanning filter with a cut length 4 deg: Download SpatialMdt_fhan4.nc
- Satellite Only mean Dynamic Topography, using a 200 km scale length Gaussian filter in geographical space:
Vertical Deflection North
- North Deflection Vertical in the Himalayas Mountains Area: Download verticaldeflectionnorth.nc
User scripts
The GUT Team designed and implemented this script on a best-effort initiative, and it was not included in the official GUT software package, so support is not guaranteed.
Download matlab_import - These are Matlab Routines for the conversion of data files in generic standard formats (Gridded Binary, ASCII, ICGEM, etc.) to GUT-compliant netCDF format (please refer to the readme file for more information). You are free to edit the script to customise it for your needs.
If you have any scripts that you would like to submit, please email the GUT Support Team
User workflows
Samples of workflows not included in the official GUT priori list of work-flows have been designed and implemented by the GUT Team on a best-effort initiative, or for GUT validation purposes. They are freely available for use.
This section also offers any workflows that GUT users would like to donate and share with the GUT community. If you would like to submit a workflow, email the GUT Support Team.
Please note that because these workflows are not part of the official release of GUT, support is not guaranteed.
Each file contains a description and instructions of use: