What is the current delay of CryoSt data delivery compared to acquisition?
CryoSat NRT (Near Real Time) products and NOP (NRT Ocean Products) are generated as soon as possible (2-3 hours) after acquisition using the DORIS Navigator Orbit.
Where can I find the latest CryoSat operational news?
CryoSat operational news is regularly posted on this website and follow us @esa_cryosat on X.
What are the current CryoSat operational processor versions?
For information about the current operational processor versions, the dates they were installed and the changes that were implemented please visit the Instrument Processing Facilities webpage.
Where can I obtain information about CryoSat ground tracks?
The CryoSat Ground Tracks web page provides information about CryoSat ground tracks and where to can download them.
Where can I find information on CryoSat footprints?
For a detailed explanation and definition of the beam-limited, the pulse-limited and the pulse-Doppler-limited footprints for CryoSat, please see the CryoSat Footprints Document.
Where can I obtain information about CryoSat measurement modes?
CryoSat is designed to acquire continuously while switching automatically between its three measurement modes according to a Geographical Mode Mask.
What is CryoSat's orbit repeat cycle?
The repeat cycle for CryoSat is 369 days and 5344 orbits.
What orbit does CryoSat use?
The orbit is not sun-synchronous and consequently the orbital plane rotates with respect to the sun direction.
How is the position of the CryoSat satellite measured?
In order to accurately measure the position of the satellite, CryoSat carries some additional specific equipment.
How is the CryoSat baseline orientation measured?
Knowledge of the precise orientation of the baseline and the two receiving antennas on board CryoSat is essential for the success of the mission.
What is SIRAL and what does it do?
SIRAL stands for Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radar Altimeter and is the primary instrument on-board CryoSat.
What is CryoSat?
CryoSat is an altimetry satellite built by the European Space Agency (ESA) and dedicated to polar observation.