Have you noticed some missing corrections inside the CryoSat Level-1 or Level-2 ice and ocean products?
Have a look at the Daily Performance Quality Reports for the relevant date and product type. These reports are generated when an issue is identified in the products.
Have you noticed some flags in CryoSat Level-1 or Level-2 ice and ocean data products and want to understand what they mean?
The most useful documents to find information about the CryoSat products flags are the relevant Product Handbooks and Product Format Specifications.
When plotting CryoSat Level-2 SARIn products, why are the measurements often scattered off to the side of the ground track?
The purpose of the CryoSat SARIn mode is to directly determine the across-track angle offset of the returning echo (by using the phase difference between the 2 antennas).
How are the Dry and Wet Tropospheric Corrections computed in CryoSat Level-2 products?
The Dry Tropospheric Correction is not received via a direct Auxiliary Data File (ADF) input.
Are freeboard values available in CryoSat Level-2 products?
Calculation of freeboard requires the accurate computation of a valid Mean Sea Surface (MSS) which in turn requires data measurements from at least two years of the CryoSat mission.
What is the value of the speed of light used in CryoSat processing?
299,792,458 metres per second.
What is the range bin sampling of CryoSat Level-1B products for LRM, SAR and SARIn modes?
The range bin sampling for LRM (Low Resolution Mode) is 0.4684 metres. The range bin sampling is 0.2342 metres for SAR/SARIn.
What geophysical corrections have ben applied to CryoSat Level-1 and Level-2 data products?
Geophysical corrections are used to correct altimeter measurements from different perturbations due to the environment and ensure the highest precision output data.
How is sea surface height computed?
Altimetry measures the range, which is the distance between the satellite and the sampled surface.
How can I learn more about known anomalies with CryoSat Level-1 or Level-2 ice and ocean data?
Please check the Product Status documents, which provide a description of all the known anomalies affecting CryoSat Ice and Ocean products.
Where can I find an overview of monthly data quality for CryoSat ice products?
Cyclic performance reports covering L1B and L2 ice products are published every month.
Where can I access quality and technical information about the CryoSat Products?
Quality information about the CryoSat data products is provided on the Data Quality Control Reports page.
Have you noticed a gap in CryoSat data and want to check it?
The CryoSat Unavailability Periods webpage reports the times of all periods of planned and unplanned unavailability of CryoSat SIRAL data.
Have you noticed something in the CryoTEMPO products that you do not understand?
The CryoTEMPO quality control and validation portal provides monthly thematic product reports, maps and statistical trends of each product's parameters over key areas of interest for each CryoTEMPO theme (land ice, sea ice, polar oceans, coastal oceans and inland waters).
Where can I access quality and technical information about the CryoSat products?
Quality information about the CryoSat data products is provided on the Data Quality Control Reports page.