Find answers to the frequently asked questions.
How are the directories on the CryoSat Science Server organised?
Data is sorted into folders according to product type, and then subsequently by year and month.
When searching for products in CUT, why are the products outside my Area of Interest?
Please check that you are using the most up-to-date version of the CryoSat User Tool (CUT), which is compatible with the current operational Ice and Ocean products.
Which software tools can I use for CryoSat?
Find a list of software tools which support the CryoSat mission, providing services such as data discovery, visualisation, processing, and analysis.
How can I access CryoSat data?
All CryoSat systematic operational data in addition to data generated from various reprocessing campaigns are openly available to everyone.
How to access Earth Explorers' data?
Explore Earth Explorers' data, including such satellite missions as CryoSat-2, Swarm, SMOS, GOCE, and Aeolus.