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  • End-User Access Policy to ESA and Third Party Mission Data, Tools and Resources

    This document describes ESA's Earth observation End-User Access Policy to ESA and Third Party Mission Data, Tools and Resources.

  • Rome supersite helps validate atmospheric space data

    In the sprawling, urban area of Rome, where atmospheric composition is impacted by complex coastal weather and pollution, ESA supports a powerful observatory spread across several locations.

  • International collaboration: Summarising ESA’s Third Party Missions

    ESA’s Third Party Missions programme consists of more than 50 missions from around the world. Learn more about the Third Party Missions in this video.

  • Third Party Missions Brochure

    This brochure summarises ESA's Third Party Missions programme, providing a timeline and examples of content related to some of the missions.

  • Atmospheric Science Conference 2009

    The 2009 conference was dedicated to the theme atmosphere to provide scientists and data users with the opportunity to present first-hand and up-to-date results from their ongoing research activities on the atmospheric payload of the satellites ERS-2 and Envisat as well as ESA Third Party Missions.

  • An overview of ESA's Third Party Missions programme

    ESA’s Third Party Missions programme consists of almost 50 satellite missions, which are owned by organisations around the world. ESA has agreements with these organisations to acquire, process, and distribute data from their missions

  • ESA Third Party Missions timeline

    We've released a new timeline to illustrate the history of the ESA Third Party Missions.

  • ESA PDGS Jupyter Notebook

    A series of Jupyter Notebooks are available, in order to understand how to exploit the API that provides the data access service for different types of datasets included in the ESA PDGS datacube.

  • ESA's new DataCube service is now available

    ESA is pleased to announce the deployment of a new service, called ESA PDGS-DataCube, enabling multi-temporal and pixel-based access to a subset of the data available in the European Space Agency dissemination services.

  • EVDC Orbit Prediction Tool

    The EVDC Orbit Prediction and Overpass Tool generates and visualises satellite's overpasses.

  • Aura OMI complete NASA dataset

    The OMI observations provide the following capabilities and features: A mapping of ozone columns at 13 km x 24 km and profiles at 13 km x 48 km A measurement of key air quality components: NO2, SO2, BrO, HCHO, and aerosol The ability to distinguish between aerosol types, such as smoke, dust and sulfates The ability to measure aerosol absorption capacity in terms of aerosol absorption optical depth or single scattering albedo A measurement of cloud pressure and coverage A mapping of the global distribution and trends in UV-B radiation. The OMI data are available in the following four levels: Level 0, Level 1B, Level 2, and Level 3. Level 0 products are raw sensor counts. Level 0 data are packaged into two-hour "chunks" of observations in the life of the spacecraft (and the OMI aboard it) irrespective of orbital boundaries. They contain orbital swath data. Level 1B processing takes Level 0 data and calibrates, geo-locates and packages the data into orbits. They contain orbital swath data. Level 2 products contain orbital swath data. Level 3 products contain global data that are composited over time (daily or monthly) or over space for small equal angle (latitude longitude) grids covering the whole globe.

  • Atmospheric Toolbox

    The Atmospheric Toolbox (previously known as BEAT) is a collection of executable tools and API, developed to facilitate the utilisation, viewing and processing of e.g. GOMOS, MIPAS, SCIAMACHY and GOME data.

  • Aura

    NASA's Aura mission studies the chemistry and dynamics of Earth's atmosphere from the ground through the mesosphere.