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Earth Online Newsletter - 21 February 2025
This issue of the Earth Online Newsletter covers a selection of the latest news and events from ESA.
Satellites help unveil the invasion of an alien plant species
Scientists have used satellite observations and aerial drone imagery to map the spread of an aggressive non-native weed across coastal dune landscapes, providing essential information that could help reduce the impact of this damaging invasive species on local ecosystems.
GEOSAT-2 Portugal Coverage 2021
GEOSAT-2 Portugal coverage is a collection of 2021 data over the Portugal area, including islands. The available dataset has a cloud cover less than 10%, and is acquired up to 1m resolution with Geometric accuracy <6m CE90 based on Copernicus DEM @10m. GEOSAT-2 Portugal 2021 - Spatial Coverage of the Dataset The following product types are available: Pan-sharpened (4 bands, 321 Natural Colours or 432 False Colours): A four-band image, resulting from adding the information of each multispectral band to the panchromatic band. The fusion does not preserves all spectral features of the multispectral bands, so it should not be used for radiometric purposes. Resolution 1m; Bands: All, R-G-B or Ni-R-G Bundle: Panchromatic (1m resolution) + Multispectral bands (4m resolution): five-band image containing the panchromatic and multispectral products packaged together, with band co-registration. The available processing level is L1C orthorectified: a calibrated and radiometrically corrected product, manually orthorectified and resampled to a map grid. Product Type Processing Level and Spatial Resolution L1B (native) L1C (ortho) Pan-sharpened 1.0m 1.0m Bundle (PAN+MS) 1.0m (P), 4.0m (MS) 1.0m (P), 4.0m(MS)
European Cities: Cartosat-1 Euro-Maps 3D
A large number of European cities are covered by this dataset; for each city you can find one or more Cartosat-1 ortho image products and one or more Euro-Maps 3D DSM tiles clipped to the extent of the ortho coverage. The Euro-Maps 3D DSM is a homogeneous, 5 m spaced Digital Surface Model semi-automatically derived from 2.5 m Cartosat-1 in-flight stereo data with a vertical accuracy of 10 m. The very detailed and accurate representation of the surface is achieved by using a sophisticated and well adapted algorithm implemented on the basis of the Semi-Global Matching approach. The final product includes several pixel-based quality and traceability layers: The dsm layer (*_dsm.tif) contains the elevation heights as a geocoded raster file The source layer (*_src.tif) contains information about the data source for each height value/pixel The number layer (*_num.tif) contains for each height value/pixel the number of IRS-P5 Cartosat-1 stereo pairs used for the generation of the DEM The quality layer (*_qc.tif) is set to 1 for each height/pixel value derived from IRS-P5 Cartosat-1 data and which meets or exceeds the product specifications The accuracy vertical layer (*_acv.tif) contains the absolute vertical accuracy for each quality controlled height value/pixel. The ortho image is a Panchromatic image at 2.5 m resolution. The following table defines the offered product types. EO-SIP product type Description PAN_PAM_3O IRS-P5 Cartosat-1 ortho image DSM_DEM_3D IRS-P5 Cartosat-1 DSM
PlanetScope ESA archive
The PlanetScope ESA archive collection consists of PlanetScope products requested by ESA supported projects over their areas of interest around the world and that ESA collected over the years. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products. Three product lines for PlanetScope imagery are offered, for all of them the Ground Sampling Distance at nadir is 3.7 m (at reference altitude 475 km). EO-SIP Product Type Product description Processing Level PSC_DEF_S3 3 bands – Analytic and Visual - Basic and Ortho Scene level 1B and 3B PSC_DEF_S4 4 bands – Analytic and Visual - Basic and Ortho Scene level 1B and 3B PSC_DEF_OT 3 bands, 4 bands and 5 bands – Analytic and Visual - Ortho Tile level 3A The Basic Scene product is a single-frame scaled Top of Atmosphere Radiance (at sensor) and sensor-corrected product. The product is not orthorectified or corrected for terrain distortions, radiometric and sensor corrections are applied to the data. The Ortho Scenes product is a single-frame scaled Top of Atmosphere Radiance (at sensor) or Surface Reflectance image product. The product is radiometrically, sensor and geometrically corrected and is projected to a cartographic map (UTM/WGS84). The Ortho Tiles are multiple orthorectified scenes in a single strip that have been merged and then divided according to a defined grid. Radiometric and sensor corrections are applied, the imagery is orthorectified and projected to a UTM projection. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.