earth online

SMOS level 1 and level 2 products new baseline is now available

28 May 2021

New versions of the SMOS processors for level 1 and 2 were deployed in the operational ground segment on 25 May 2021.

Version 7 of the SMOS level 1 and level 2 processors have been also used to reprocess the SMOS mission archive and the entire dataset is now available on the SMOS dissemination server. The algorithm evolutions implemented in the new level 1 and level 2 processors and the main improvements in the quality of the SMOS level 1 and level 2 data products version 7 are summarised in the product read-me-first notes.

This new dataset supersedes the previous dataset generated by the algorithm baseline version 6, so we encourage you to use this and to read the read-me-first notes carefully to ensure optimum exploitation of the new SMOS dataset.
