earth online

New changes help discover content on Earth Online

21 May 2024

The Earth Online website has been updated today, offering new features and pages that improve the discovery of content.

Earth Online contains resources for some subjects that date back 30 years, and the website continues to grow as new missions launch and new data collections are released. To help find some of the contents on the website, changes to the site navigation menu and new pages have been released today.

Learn and Discover

A new section titled Learn and Discover has been created, which groups together the archive of documentation previously under the “Documents” section, and contains some subjects that were formerly under the News, such as infographics, interviews, and success stories.

Learn and Discover is available in the site navigation, and in the search.

Site navigation menu on Earth Online
Updated navigation menu helps discover range of subjects

Within the Learn and Discover section, a new gallery is available, which gathers together images and videos on the website. Open each item in the gallery to see the larger image or play the video.

Earth Online Gallery
New Gallery contains images and videos

Selected image comparisons from the Earth Watching website are being added to this gallery, demonstrating how satellites can detect change to locations throughout the world. The gallery will grow over time with new satellite images and other historical Earth Watching images.

Example of gallery image
Change detection images demonstrate benefits of long-term monitoring


Site Navigation

Following this reorganisation of pages, the site navigation menu is updated and now displays a sub-menu with relevant links, such as the newly combined News and Events.

Changes to Earth Online site navigation menu
Sub-menus help shorten your journey to subjects

Each link in the sub-menu navigates to the search with results filtered by your selection.


Search changes

The order of tabs in the search has been adjusted, and includes the addition of the Learn and Discover and FAQs tabs. The functionality of the search is unchanged, but the design has been updated, including a new look for the cards and filters.

Changes to search on Earth Online
New look for search and filtering


The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), which were recently moved to Earth Online from ESA's User Services Portal, are now available in the search in a dedicated tab. They can also be found in the site navigation menu under Learn and Discover, and through the website footer.

FAQs on Earth Online
FAQs discoverable through search help find answers to your questions

Data collection pages

The last of the changes released today affects the layout of the Data Collection pages. To ease discovery of the information on these pages, a table of contents has been added to each page, allowing direct navigation to each heading on the page.

Table of contents on data collection pages
Table of contents on data collection pages reduce scrolling

A list of related FAQs has been added at the bottom of the page, too, providing information that may help you access the data and guides to the collections that require submission of a form to request products.

Related FAQs on data collection pages
FAQs on data collection pages help find related guides and support