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CRYO2ICE Orbit Raising Campaign: Data Quality Status
12 Aug 2020

All CryoSat ice and ocean products generated operationally are routinely monitored by the CryoSat Quality Control (QC) team (QA4EO-IDEAS consortium). Routine QC starts with the real-time monitoring of Level 0 data and auxiliary file availability and continues to daily checks of all Level 1B, Level 2 and Level 2I science products generated operationally. These activities aim to detect anomalies, support investigations, and prevent the distribution of poor quality data products to users.
During the CRYO2ICE Orbit Raising Campaign, the CryoSat QC team monitored data production between the orbit manoeuvres and performed detailed checks of all Near Real Time (NRT) data generated. This included checking for error flags in the data products and monitoring key L2 parameters for potential anomalies. A summary of the QC checks is provided below:
- Data quality was nominal throughout and no data quality anomalies were observed in the data products
- No anomalies observed in the initial analysis of L2 parameters (range, backscatter, SSHA)
- Due to a delayed auxiliary file input, some L1B and L2 NRT products are missing the GIM Ionospheric correction, however this is not a mandatory input at NRT (affected days 23/07/2020; 26/07/2020; 27/07/2020)
The full results of daily quality checks are available in the CryoSat Daily Performance Reports. The exact times of all planned and unplanned data unavailability periods are reported on the CryoSat Unavailability webpage.