- Vision-1
- Sample Data
Vision-1 Sample Data
Image credit: © Airbus Defence and Space Limited 2023. All rights reserved.
Vision-1 data collections consist of up to 0.87 m resolution data products from the S1-4 Imager instrument, processed to Level-2 and 3.
Samples of the Vision-1 products are available over ESA's test site at La Crau in France, which you can use to preview what the data collections offer in order to assess their type and resolution. If you would like to compare Vision-1 products with other missions, download sample data from other Third Party Missions.
Each sample data ZIP file contains a .JPG and .JP2 (JPEG 2000) file of the processed product, and specifications of the acquired scene.
Download Vision-1 sample data:
- Vision-1 bundle SEN sample data (838 MB)
- Vision-1 bundle ORT sample data (1 GB)
- Vision-1 bundle PRJ sample data (1 GB)
- Vision-1 bundle SEN sample data (77 MB)
- Vision-1 Multispectral sample data (304 MB)
- Vision-1 Multispectral and Panchromatic sample data (1 GB)
- Vision-1 Multispectral and Panchromatic sample data (4 GB)
- Vision-1 Multispectral and Panchromatic sample data (7 GB)
Vision-1 data collections
If these samples suit your requirements, learn more about the Vision-1 data collections and find out how to download products from this mission:
Vision-1 data products are open for research and application development, prototype and test projects to worldwide users but Airbus DS can introduce limitation due to security regulations. Restriction on acquiring data is applied over People’s Republic of China, Australia EEZ mainland including Tasmania and within a two hundred nautical (200) mile limit of its shores. Access to the collection requires submission of a Project Proposal subject to evaluation and acceptance by ESA and the data owner.