About Pléiades

Pléiades is an environment-focused constellation (consisting of two satellites, referred to as 1A and 1B) from CNES of France, which were launched on 17 December 2011 (Pléiades 1A) and 2 December 2012 (Pléiades 1B). The constellation remains operational.
Orbit Height | 694km |
Orbit Type | Sun-synchronous |
Repeat Cycle | 26 days |
Pléiades Objectives
The Pléiades system is designed for a range of very-high-resolution (VHR) remote sensing applications in the field of cartography, agriculture, forestry, hydrology, and geological prospecting.
Pléiades Instruments
High Resolution Imager
The High Resolution Imager (HiRI) on board the Pléiades constellation delivers very-high optical resolution (0.5 m resolution) with a swath of 20 km.
Spectral Bands | Pan: 480-820 nm; TDI is only used for Pan data MS bands in nm B0= 450-530 (blue), B1= 510-590 (green), B2= 620-700 (red), B3= 775-915 (NIR) |
Optical System | 65 cm aperture diameter, focal length of 12.905 m, f/20, TMA optics |
Spatial Resolution, GSD | 0.5 m for Pan, 2 m for MS bands |
Swath Width, FOR | 20 km at nadir, 60º (FOR=Field of Regard); Each satellite will be able to collect imagery anywhere within an 800 km wide ground strip, covering 200 km in 11 s or 800 km in 25 s, including stabilization time. |
SNR | > 147 (Pan), > 130 (MS) |
MTF in Pan Band | 0.07 at Nyquist frequency fe/2 (1/2 x 0.7 m-1) Note: "fe" is the sampling frequency (fréquence d'échantillonnage) |
Detectors | Pan array assembly: 5 x 6000 (30,000 pixels cross-track) pixel size: 13 µm MS array assembly: 5 x 1500 (7500 pixels in cross-track) pixel size: 52 µm |
TDI Detector Data Rate | 290 Mpixel/s (total) or about 700 Mbit/s per detector; or 3.5 Mbit/s (max) |
Data Quantization | 12 bit per pixel (correlated dual sampling) |
Image location accuracy | 1 m (with ground control points), 20 m without GCP (99.7%), 10 m (90%) |
Image Location Accuracy | <0.9 pixel Pan over 12 s with a time linear error model (with GCPs) |
Line-of-sight Frequency | <0.1 pixel (dynamic stability) |
Source Data Rate, Downlink | 4.5 Gbit/s (max), 465 Mbit/s in 3 x 155 Mbit/s X-band channels |
Data Compression | Wavelet compression algorithm with an average compression factor of 4 |
Instrument Mass, Power | ~ 195 kg (< 14 service electronics), ~ 400 W |
Instrument Size | L < 1594 mm W < 980 mm H < 2235 mm |
Pointing agility of S/C | Roll of 60º within 25 s; Pitch of 60º within 25 s |
Pléiades Data
ESA is offering, for scientific research and application development, access to full archive and new tasking data from Pléiades mission upon submission and acceptance of a project proposal.
ESA will support as many high-quality and innovative projects as possible within the quota limit available, therefore only a limited amount of products can be made available to each project.
The following collection is available:
Moreover, ESA offers to registered user the access through the Online Dissemination server to the following data collections: