About IRS-P6
IRS-P6 (also known as ResourceSat-1) launched on 17 October 2003 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre by the Indian PSLV-C5, and came to an end on 30 September 2013. The mission was part of the IRS (Indian Remote-Sensing Satellite) series of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization).
Prior to launch, ISRO renamed the IRS-P6 spacecraft to ResourceSat-1.
Launch Date | 17 October 2003 |
Mission Status | Ended 30 September 2013 |
Orbit Height | 820 km |
Orbit Type | Polar sun-synchronous |
Revisit Period | 24 days |
ResourceSat-1 is part of ESA's Third Party Missions Programme, in which ESA has an agreement with ISRO to distribute data products from the missions.
IRS-P6 Objectives
The overall objectives of the IRS-P6 mission (ResourceSat-1) was to provide continued remote sensing data services on an operational basis for integrated land and water resources management. The mission provided data continuity for the IRS-1C and IRS-1D satellites, with the addition of new instruments.
IRS-P6 Instruments
ResourceSat-1 carried three instruments:
- A high resolution linear imaging self-scanner (LISS-IV)
- A medium resolution linear imaging self-scanner (LISS-III)
- AwiFS (Advanced Wide Field Sensor)
All three cameras were pushbroom scanners using linear arrays of CCDs (Charge Coupled Devices).
Bands | Spectral Range (nm) | Spatial Resolution (m) |
Green | 520 – 590 | 5.8 (LISS IV) 23.5 (LISS-III) 56 - 70 (AWiFS) |
Red | 620 – 680 | 5.8 (LISS IV) 23.5 (LISS-III) 56-70 (AWiFS) |
NIR | 770 – 860 | 5.8 (LISS IV) 23.5 (LISS-III) 56-70 (AWiFS) |
SWIR | 1550 - 1700 | 5.8 (LISS IV) 23.5 (LISS-III) 56-70 (AWiFS) |
IRS-P6 Data
ESA is offering, for scientific research and application development, access to Full archive of ResourceSat-1 data upon submission and acceptance of a project proposal. These products are available as part of the GAF Indian Satellite Imagery products.
ESA will support as many high-quality and innovative projects as possible within the quota limit available, therefore only a limited amount of products can be made available to each project.
The following collection is available:
Moreover, ESA offers to registered users the access through the Online Dissemination server to the following data collection: