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Second ESA EarthCARE Validation Workshop

25-May - 28-May 2021


The second ESA EarthCARE Validation workshop was held online from 25-28 May 2021. This workshop was dedicated to the introduction of EarthCARE validation proposals that were accepted following the first ESA EarthCARE Validation workshop (June 2018), and to the discussion of validation methods and validation protocols in domains addressed by the EarthCARE mission.

To foster intense interactivity during the working sessions, particularly the splinter sessions, the online workshop was not a public event. As a higher level of interactivity was required to meet the workshop objectives, participation was reserved to the Principal Investigators (PIs) of the ESA EarthCARE Announcement of Opportunity and their Co-Investigators (Co-Is), the EarthCARE Data Product Algorithm Developers, the EarthCARE instrument experts, and the members of the EarthCARE Mission Advisory Group. ESA delegates and the EarthCARE PIs of the JAXA Research Announcement were welcome to attend, as well as invited scientists from other missions.

More information is available on the EarthCARE Validation Team (ECVT) Portal, which is available to ECVT PIs and Co-Is.

Download the 2nd ESA EarthCARE Validation Workshop summary report.


Download the presentations

Workshop Organising Committee
Scientific Organising CommitteeLocal Organising Committee (ESA)
Anthony Illingworth - U.ReadingRob Koopman
Alessandro Battaglia - U.LeicesterTobias Wehr
Helene Chepfer - LMDMichael Eisinger
Jason Cole - ECCCDirk Schuettemeyer
Julien Delanoe - LATMOSJonas von Bismarck
David Donovan - KNMIGeorgios Tzeremes
Jurgen Fischer - FU.Berlin 
Luca Baldini - ISAC 
Nicolas Clerbaux - RMIB 
Pavlos Kollias - Stony Brook U. 
Shannon Mason - ECMWF 
Silke Gross -DLR 
Ulla Wandinger - TROPOS 
Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff - KNMI 
Holger Baars - TROPOS 
Eleni Marinou - NOA 
Almudena Velazquez - RMIB 


25 May 2021
Programme SessionsPresentation and Discussion SessionsSpeakers
Chairs: Anthony Illingworth, Ulla Wandinger, Nicolas ClerbauxIntroductionWelcomeRob Koopman - ESA
Validation Workshop OpeningDominique Gillieron - ESA (Earth Exlorer Programme Manager)
Mission & SystemEarthCARE StatusDirk Bernaerts - ESA (EarthCARE Project Manager)
In Orbit Characterisation, Calibration, and Verification (IOV) approach for ATLID, BBR, MSIKostka Wallace - ESA Georgios Tzeremes -ESA
AlgorithmsEarthCARE Level 1 Validation needs for the ATLID Level 1 productDavid Donovan - KNMI
EarthCARE Level 1 Validation needs for the MSI Level 1 productRene Preusker - FU Berlin
There were no presentations for BBR and CPR validation, as BBR Level 1 feedback was obtained via the Level 2 product and CPR Level 1 Validation is under JAXA's responsibility.
Chairs: Pavlos Kollias, Luca BaldiniAlgorithmsEarthCARE L2 Validation Needs of the ESA Products and AlgorithmsShannon Mason - ECMWF
ToolsESA Atmospheric Validation Data CentreAnn Mari Fjæraa - NILU
Atmospheric Virtual LabSander Niemeijer - S&T
E3SIM - EarthCARE SimulatorDavid Donovan - KNMI
ICAROHS - Inter-Comparison of Aerosol Retrievals and Observational Requirements for Multi- Wavelength HSRL SystemsGerd-Jan van Zadelhoff - KNMI
Chairs: Jurgen Fischer, Alessandro BattagliaQA/QCQuality Assurance for Earth Observation (QA4EO) concept and exampleJean-Christopher Lambert - BIRA/IASB
The power of monitoring EarthCARE observations at ECMWF and preparing towards their assimilation.Mark Fielding - ECMWF
Fiducial Reference Measurement concept and FRM4Radar Cloud Profiling for Satellite ValidationJonas Von Bismarck - ESA Lukas Pfitzenmaier - IGMK (Univ-Cologne)
Validation OrganisationValidation preparations timelineRob Koopman - ESA
New Principal Investigators (that joined after 1st ESA EarthCARE validation workshop)EVID33 / AOID 51515 Validation of Atlid lidar data with ground-based lidars in Northern SwedenPeter Völger - IRF
EVID34 / AOID 51949 WEGN4CARE - Validation of EarthCARE cloud and precipitation products by the WegenerNet 3D Weather Research Facility in Southeastern AustriaGottfried Kirchengast and Jürgen Fuchsberger - Wegcenter
EVID35/AOID 60799 Validate Cloud Profiling Radar on EarthCARE against Aircraft Observations of Cirriform CloudVaughan Philips - INES
26 May 2021
Programme SessionsPresentation and Discussion SessionsSpeakers
Chairs: Dave Donovan, Ulla Wandinger, Holger Baars, Hélène Chepfer, Jürgen Fischer, Michael Eisinger, Georgios TzeremesAerosol L2 and ATLID L1 ValidationLessons learned from Aeolus Cal/Val and the DISCOliver Reitebuch - DLR
Lessons learned from CALIPSODave Winker - NASA
The ACCP orbital componentDave Winker - NASA
Discussion on ATLID Level 1 validation approachesModerated by co-chairs
ACCP suborbital component - AerosolJens Redemann - Univ. of Oklahoma
Overview of PI responses and Discussion Aerosol (ATLID + MSI) Level 2 validation approachesModerated by co-chairs
Chairs: Ulla Wandinger, Luca Baldini, Jonas von BismarckNetworksLessons learned from the validation of Aeolus L2A product with EARLINETNikos Siomos - NOA
Perspectives on Ground Validation from the NASA/JAXA Global Precipitation Measurement MissionS. Joseph Munchak - NASA
ACTRIS Aerosol Remote Sensing in support of EarthCARE Cal/ValDoina Nicolae - INOE
ACTRIS Cloud Remote Sensing in support of EarthCARE Cal/ValMartial Haeffelin - IPSL
MPLNET Observations in Support of EarthCARE Cal/ValJudd Welton - NASA
Approaches to intercalibration/QA/QC and other network aspects of AD-Net and SKYNET systemsTomoaki Nishizawa - NIES
LALINET network approaches for QA/QC, validation and data handlingEduardo Landulfo - IPEN
Chairs: Shannon Mason, Pavlos Kollias, Alessandro Battaglia, Eleni Marinou, Tobias WehrClouds & Precipitation (& CPR L2a) ValidationCloudSat Cal/Val lessons learned & summary of AtmOS(ACCP) Suborbital Discussions with emphasis on Cloud and Precipitation Cal/ValJay Mace - UoU
Summary of inputs from Principal InvestigatorsEleni Marinou - NOA
Summary of the algorithm needs with respect to clouds and CPR for Level 2Shannon Mason - ECMWF
Discussion on Cloud and Precipitation cal/valModerated by co-chairs
27 May 2021
Programme SessionsPresentation and Discussion SessionsSpeakers
Chairs: Silke Groß, Julien Delanoë, Dirk SchüttemeyerCampaignsIntroduction to ESA campaigns and pre Pre-launch lessons learnedSilke Groß - DLR Julien Delanoë - LATMOS
CCREST, an example for a science/validation campaign on validation of several missions combined with general scienceStuart Fox - UKMO
Latest status and future plans for in-situWolde Mengistu - NRC
Opportunities for dedicated or piggy back campaignsSilke Groß - DLR Dirk Shuettemeyer - ESA
Chairs: Nicolas Clerbaux, Jurgen Fischer, Almudena Velazquez, Tobias Wehr, Michael EisingerRadiationIntroductionNicolas Clerbaux - RMIB
Overview of MSI Level 1 validation by ECVT (AO PIs)Jurgen Fischer- FU Berlin
Lessons learned/Monitoring MSI L1 performanceNoëlle Scott - LMD/IPSL
Lessons learned from CERESKory Priestley - NASA Langley
Lessons learned from GERBJacqueline Russell - Imperial College
Chairs: Jason Cole, Tobias WehrModelsVertical velocity in stormsVaughan Phillips - INES
Using EarthCARE for improving desert dust transport modelingVassilis Amiridis - NOA
Instrument simulators and applications to modelsKatia Lamer - BNL
NWP model evaluation using ACTRIS cloud profilingEwan O' Connor - FMI
Summary/General discussion/Way forwardATLID level 1 session conclusions, Aerosol session conclusions, Network session conclusions, Cloud & Precipitation session conclusions, Campaign session conclusions, Radiation and MSI & BBR Level1 session conclusions Modelling session conclusions 
Closing Remarks
Rob Koopman - ESA Anthony Illingworth - U Reading