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  • Insurance Industry Workshop on Earth Observation

    This ESA workshop examined the potential value of satellite Earth Observation data to the insurance industry.

  • EVDC Orbit Prediction Tool

    The EVDC Orbit Prediction and Overpass Tool generates and visualises satellite's overpasses.

  • What's happening to Greenland's ice?

    Heatwave conditions catapulted Greenland into an early Arctic summer in June, prompting widespread melting across its icesheet surface.

  • ESOV Software Tools (ESOV NG)

    ESOV tool provides the means to visualise instrument swaths of all ESA EO Satellites, assist in understanding where and when satellite measurements are made and ground contact is possible.

  • Fluorescence (FLEX) 2019

    The FLEX 2019 meeting consisted of a series of events addressing remote sensing of vegetation fluorescence.

  • Living Planet Symposium 2019

    ESA's Living Planet Symposia are amongst the biggest Earth observation conferences in the world. Scientists present their latest findings on Earth's environment and climate.