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End-User Access Policy to ESA and Third Party Mission Data, Tools and Resources
This document describes ESA's Earth observation End-User Access Policy to ESA and Third Party Mission Data, Tools and Resources.
How scientists are unlocking the potential of SAOCOM
A team of scientists has drawn on SAOCOM data to measure the heights of forests in Argentina, marking the first time that tree canopies have been mapped using the two-satellite constellation.
SAOCOM Europe data products
This collection provides access to the SAOCOM products acquired in the ASI Zone of Exclusivity, that correspond mainly to the European territory plus the international waters in front of North Africa and the Middle East, archived and catalogued in the ASI/CONAE dissemination system. ASI Zone of Exclusivity Platform SAOCOM 1A only (in future SAOCOM-1B will be added) Instrument L-Band SAR, 1.275 GHz Sensor mode STRIPMAP for data acquired at fixed azimuth steering (beam from S1 up to S10) TOPSAR for data acquired in ScanSAR like mode (Mode A, Mode B or Wide) Processing level L1A - SLC (single look complex, slat range), L1B - DI (detected image, ground range), L1C - GEC (geocoded on ellipsoid), L1D - GTC (geocoded on DEM) Resolution STRIPMAP: 10m TOPSAR Narrow: 30 - 50m TOPSAR WIDE: 50 - 100m Swath Width STRIPMAP: 20 - 40 km TOPSAR Narrow: 100 - 150 km TOPSAR Wide: 220 - 350 km Polarization Single polarization (HH or VV) only for STRIPMAP Double polarization (HHHV or VHVV) for both STRIPMAP and TOPSAR Quad Polarization for both STRIPMAP and TOPSAR