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Reprocessed GRACE-FO thermosphere data available on Swarm dissemination Server
An updated version of the GRACE Follow-On dataset for thermosphere density and crosswind data has been published on the Swarm dissemination server.
New CHAMP Neutral Density and Crosswind data sets available
The Thermosphere Observations from Low-Earth Orbiting Satellites (TOLEOS) project, funded by the Swarm DISC, delivered newly reprocessed neutral density and crosswind observations for the entire CHAMP mission.
This presentation from ESA's EO Summer School describes gravity and Earth sciences
This presentation from ESA's EO Summer School 6 presents the ESA explorer mission GOCE earth gravity from space
New Invitation To Tender - Modelling the high-latitude ionospheric electrodynamics based on Swarm data
Swarm DISC Invitation to Tender - SD-ITT-5.1: A processor for modelling the high-latitude ionospheric electrodynamics based on Swarm magnetic field and plasma data.
Update on Swarm Field-Aligned Current Dual (FAC_AC) data issue
As a follow-up of the news published on 23 November 2021 and on 16 December 2021, we want to update Swarm users about the issue affecting Field-Aligned Current Dual (FAC_TMS_2F) data.
New Swarm plasma density and plasma irregularity dataset released
A new Swarm Level 2 data product was released on 20 February 2019. It contains several time series that characterise the plasma density and plasma irregularity along the Swarm orbits, separately calculated for each of the three satellites.
New GOCE Online Dissemination Service
We are pleased to announce the opening of the new ESA GOCE Online Dissemination Service which is integrated with ESA's EO Sign In service (EO Sign In).