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KOMPSAT-1 Coverage of 50 European Cities Collection Accessible to Users
The European Space Agency (ESA) is delighted to announce the availability of the KOMPSAT-1 Coverage of 50 European Cities collection to users as part of the Earthnet's Third Party Mission Programme.
KOMPSAT-1 (Korean Multi-Purpose Satellite), also known as Arirang-1, was a South Korean Earth observation satellite which was launched on 21 December 1999. KOMPSAT-1 operated for eight years until satellite operations ceased on 30 December 2007 due to a loss of contact.
KOMPSAT-1 Coverage of 50 European Cities
Available as a single coverage collection of data over 50 European Cities acquired by KOMPSAT-1’s Electro-Optical Camera (EOC) geolocated and orthorectified. The dataset is composed by PAN imagery at 6.6 m GSD, in GeoTIFF orthorectified format.
This brochure is a collection of KOMPSAT EOC; ERS-2 SAR; Envisat ASAR, MERIS and Proba CHRIS, HRC mosaics.
Third Party Missions, Cat-1 Data Availability
This brochure gives a quick overview on the availability of the Third Party Missions IRS-P3, JERS-1, NIMBUS, Proba, Landsat, KOMPSAT-1, SCISAT-1, Terra/Aqua, NOAA, QSCAT, OrbView, SPOT-1,-2,-3,-4, ALOS.
This brochure gives an overview of the Earth Watching project, which aims not only to show natural disasters, but also to promote various satellite remote sensing applications through images and articles for newspapers, magazines and TV stations.
This report describes the CoReH2O (Cold Regions Hydrology high-resolution Observatory) mission, which was selected for feasibility study in the third cycle of Earth Explorers.
Proceedings in Advances in Atmospheric Science and Applications held in 18-22 June 2012 in Bruges, Belgium.
The objective of the BIOMASS Mission is to determine the global distribution of forest biomass by reducing the uncertainty in the calculation of carbon stock and fluxes associated with the terrestrial biosphere.