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  • Athabasca Oil Sands (Canada): A Satellite Perspective from 1992 to 2011

    Explore the Athabasca Oil Sands in Alberta, through satellite imagery.

  • 2007 International Geohazards Week

    The ESA event was part of the United Nations International Year of Planet Earth, to increase awareness of the importance of Earth sciences for the advancement of sustainable development.

  • Fringe 1996 Workshop

    The workshop on ERS SAR Interferometry was open to scientists and students working in the field of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry and its applications.

  • EGU General Assembly 2021

    EGU General Assembly 2021 brought together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for NoR

    ESA invites submissions for the Network of Resources (NoR) call, which aims to support research, development and pre-commercial users to innovate their working practices, moving from a data download paradigm towards a 'bring the user to the data' paradigm.