Swarm Geodesy/Gravity
Monthly gravity field of the Earth, non-gravitational accelerations.
Swarm Lithosphere
Spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field.
Swarm Thermosphere
Neutral thermospheric density.
Swarm Space Weather
Environmental conditions in Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere due to the solar activity that drive the Sun-Earth interactions.
Swarm Level 2 longterm
The Swarm Level 2 Long Term data products are the corrected and formatted output from each of the three Swarm satellites. By a complex assimilation of these individual satellite measurements into one set of products for the satellite constellation, the Swarm Level 2 Processor ensures a very significant improvement of the quality of the final scientific data products.
Swarm Oceans
Oceans tides, induced magnetic field.
Swarm Level 2 daily
The Swarm Level 1b data products are the corrected and formatted output from each of the three Swarm satellites. By a complex assimilation of these individual satellite measurements into one set of products for the satellite constellation, the Swarm Level 2 Processor ensures a very significant improvement of the quality of the final scientific data products.
Swarm Mantle
Model of mantle conductivity, core-mantle interaction.
Swarm Level 1B
The Level 1b products of the Swarm mission contains time-series of quality-screen, calibrated, and corrected measurements given in physical, SI units in geo-localized reference frames. Level 1b products are provided individually for each of the three satellites Swarm A, Swarm B, and Swarm C on a daily basis.
Swarm Core
Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation.
Swarm Ionosphere/Magnetosphere
Spherical harmonic model of the large-scale magnetospheric field and its Earth-induced counterpart, spherical harmonic model of the daily geomagnetic variation at middle latitudes and low latitudes, Ionospheric bubble index, ionospheric total electron content, ionosphericfield-aligned currents, dayside ionospheric equatorial electric field, ionospheric plasma density and plasma irregularities.
Closed ESA announcement of opportunities
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