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  • AVHRR L1B/1C Local Area Coverage Imagery

    Level-1B This collection is composed of AVHRR L1B products (1.1 km) reprocessed from the NOAA POES and Metop AVHRR sensors data acquired at the University of Dundee and University of Bern ground stations and from the ESA and University of Bern data historical archive. The product format is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1B that combines the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream with ancillary information like Earth location and calibration data which can be applied by the user. Other appended parameters are time codes, quality indicators, solar and satellite angles and telemetry. Two data collections cover the data acquired over Europe and the neighbouring regions in the period of 1 January 1981 to 31 December 2020 in the context of the 1-KM project in the 90s. During the early 1990’s various groups, including the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), the Commission of the European Communities (CEC), the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) Science Team and ESA concluded that a global land 1 KM AVHRR data set would have been crucial to study and develop algorithms for several land products for the Earth Observing System. USGS, NOAA, ESA and other non-U.S. AVHRR receiving stations endorsed the initiative to collect a global land 1-km multi-temporal AVHRR data set over all land surfaces using NOAA's TIROS "afternoon" polar-orbiting satellite. On 1 April 1992, the project officially began and lasted up to the end of 1999 with the utilisation of 23 stations worldwide plus the NOAA local area coverage (LAC) on-board recorders. The global land 1-km AVHRR dataset is composed of 5 channels, raw AVHRR dataset at 1.1 km resolution from the NOAA-11 and NOAA-14 satellites covering land surfaces, inland water and coastal areas. Global Land 1 km AVHRR Data Set Project HRPT Ground Station Network (as of 1 April 1992) and Acquisition Areas for LAC Recorded Data Level-1C This data collection consists of measurements from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) at 1.1km full Local Area Coverage (LAC) resolution. It is based on the ESA AVHRR Level 1B European Data Set, a curated collection of AVHRR 1km data from 1981 to 2020 covering Europe, selected areas in Africa and the acquired data out-of-Europe in the context of the 1-KM project in the ‘90s (see the Level-1B description for details). The AVHRR LAC measurements were processed by the Remote Sensing Research Group of the University Bern, Switzerland. A landmark based navigation correction software adjusted time and satellite attitude to improve the georeferencing accuracy. The PyGAC software was used to convert the counts to reflectances for the visible and near-infrared channels 1, 2, 3A, and to brightness temperatures for the infrared channels 3B, 4, 5. The infrared calibration uses on-board calibration data and is satellite specific without cross-calibration between satellites. Due to the lack of on-board calibration data for the visible channels, calculated coefficients from the CIMSS PATMOS-X project, version 2017r1, were used for the visible calibration aiming to minimize spectral differences among the various AVHRR sensors. The data format is NetCDF. The calibrated AVHRR data are accompanied by coordinates, satellite and solar angles, additional metadata, and basic quality indicators. The NOAA nomenclature is used for the data record labelling it as a set of AVHRR L1C data. The new products are conveniently formatted in NetCDF. Free standard tools, such as Panoply, can be used to read NetCDF data. Panoply is sourced and updated by external entities. For further details, please consult our Terms and Conditions page.

  • Landsat 5 TM Europe and North Africa Coverage 1984-85

    This collections contains Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery acquired over Europe and North Africa from April 1984 to December 1985. The available data products have a cloud cover percentage of less than 20%. The acquired Landsat 5 TM scenes have a footprint of approximately 183 x 172.8 km. A standard full scene is nominally centred on the intersection between a path and row (the actual image centre may deviate by up to 100 m). The data are system corrected.

  • Landsat 5 TM Europe and North Africa Coverage 1986-89

    This collections contains Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery acquired over Europe and North Africa from January 1986 to November 1989. The available data products have a cloud cover percentage of less than 20%. The acquired Landsat 5 TM scenes have a footprint of approximately 183 x 172.8 km. A standard full scene is nominally centred on the intersection between a path and row (the actual image centre may deviate by up to 100 m). The data are system corrected.

  • Landsat 5 TM Europe and North Africa Coverage 1995-98

    This collections contains Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery acquired over Europe and North Africa from January 1995 to December 1998. The available data products have a cloud cover percentage of less than 20%. The acquired Landsat 5 TM scenes have a footprint of approximately 183 x 172.8 km. A standard full scene is nominally centred on the intersection between a path and row (the actual image centre may deviate by up to 100 m). The data are system corrected.

  • GEOSAT-2 Spain Coverage

    The GEOSAT-2 Spain Coverage collection consists of two separate coverages of Spain, including the Balearic and Canary islands, acquired by GEOSAT-2 between March and November of 2021 and 2022, respectively. The available imagery have a geolocation accuracy of < 4 m RMSE, a cloud cover percentage of < 10 %, and were acquired at an off-nadir angle from -30° to 30°. Spatial coverage of the 2021 collection. The following product types are available: Pan-sharpened: A four-band image, resulting from adding the information of each multispectral band to the panchromatic band. The fusion does not preserves all spectral features of the multispectral bands, so it should not be used for radiometric purposes. Resolution 1 m; Bands: All. Bundle: Panchromatic (1 m resolution) + Multispectral bands (4 m resolution): five-band image containing the panchromatic and multispectral products packaged together, with band co-registration. The available processing level is L1C orthorectified: a calibrated and radiometrically corrected product, manually orthorectified and resampled to a map grid. Property Spatial Resolution Pan-sharpened 1.0 m Bundle (PAN + MS) 1.0 m (PAN), 4.0 m (MS)

  • FSSCat products

    The FSSCat collection provides hyperspectral data coverage over a number of locations around the world, as measured by the HyperScout 2 sensor. The FSSCat hyperspectral data products are comprised of 50 spectral bands, covering a spectral range of 450 – 950 nm with a spectral resolution of 18 nm (at FWHM). Imagery is available with an along-track ground sampling distance (GSD) of 75 m. To ensure a high degree of radiometric accuracy, HyperScout 2 data are validated through comparison with Sentinel-2 data products. The processing level of the data is L1C – calibrated top-of-atmosphere radiance, reflectance or brightness temperature. The raster type of the L1C data product is a GRID – a 2D or 3D raster where the (geo)location of the data is uniquely defined by the upper left pixel location of the raster and the pixel size of the raster, and the projection parameters of the raster (if georeferenced). The third dimension can e.g. be a spectral or third spatial dimension. The L-1C VNIR data product includes a hyperspectral cube of TOA reflectance in the VNIR range, as well as relevant meta-data that adheres to EDAP's best practice guidelines. This product consists of georeferenced and ortho-rectified image tiles that contain spectral reflectance data at the top-of-the-atmosphere. Each image tile contains radiometrically corrected and ortho-rectified band images that are projected onto a map, as well as geolocation information and the coordinate system used. Additionally, each image pixel provides TOA spectral reflectance data in scaled integers, conversion coefficients for spectral radiance units, viewing and solar zenith and azimuth angles, and quality flags.

  • Landsat RBV

    This dataset contains Landsat 3 Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) products, acquired by ESA by the Fucino ground station over its visibility mask. The data (673 scenes) are the result of the digitalization of the original 70 millimetre (mm) black and white film rolls. The RBV instrument was mounted on board the Landsat 1 to 3 satellites between 1972 and 1983, with 80 metre resolution. Three independent co-aligned television cameras, one for each spectral band (band 1: blue-green, band 2: yellow-red, band 3: NIR), constituted this instrument. The RBV system was redesigned for Landsat 3 to use two cameras operating in one broad spectral band (green to near-infrared; 0.505–0.750 µm), mounted side-by-side, with panchromatic spectral response and higher spatial resolution than on Landsat 1 and Landsat 2. Each of the cameras produced a swath of about 90 km (for a total swath of 180 km), with a spatial resolution of 40 m.

  • Landsat 7 ETM+ European and Mediterranean Countries Cloud Free Collection

    This dataset contains the cloud-free products from Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper collection acquired over Europe, North Africa and the Middle East; for each scene only one product is selected, with the minimal cloud coverage. The Landsat 7 ETM+ scenes typically cover 185 x 170 km. A standard full scene is nominally centred on the intersection between a Path and Row (the actual image centre can vary by up to 100 m). The data are system corrected.

  • Landsat 5 TM European and Mediterranean Countries Cloud Free Collection

    This dataset contains the cloud-free products from Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper collection acquired over Europe, North Africa and the Middle East; for each scene only one product is selected, with the minimal cloud coverage. The acquired Landsat TM scene covers approximately 183 x 172.8 km. A standard full scene is nominally centred on the intersection between a path and row (the actual image centre can vary by up to 100 m). The data are system corrected.

  • PAZ ESA archive

    The PAZ ESA archive collection consists of PAZ Level 1 data previously requested by ESA supported projects over their areas of interest around the world and, as a consequence, the products are scattered and dispersed worldwide and in different time windows. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products over the years. Available modes are: StripMap mode (SM): SSD less than 3 m for a scene 30 km x 50 km in single polarization or 15 km x 50 km in dual polarisation ScanSAR mode (SC): the scene is 100 x 150 km2, SSD less than 18 m in signle pol only Wide ScanSAR mode (WS): single polarisation only, with SS less than 40 m and scene size of 270 x 200 km2 Spotlight modes (SL): SSD less than 2 m for a scene 10 km x 10 km, both single and dual polarization are available High Resolution Spotlight mode (HS): in both single and dual polarisation, the scene is 10x5 km2, SSD less than 1 m Staring Spotlight mode (ST): SSD is 25 cm, the scene size is 4 x 4 km2, in single polarisation only. The available geometric projections are: Single Look Slant Range Complex (SSC): single look product, no geocoding, no radiometric artifact included, the pixel spacing is equidistant in azimuth and in ground range Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD): detected multi look product, simple polynomial slant-to-ground projection is performed in range, no image rotation to a map coordinate system is performed Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC): multi look detected product, projected and re-sampled to the WGS84 reference ellipsoid with no terrain corrections Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC): multi look detected product, projected and re-sampled to the WGS84 reference ellipsoid, the image distortions caused by varying terrain height are corrected using a DEM. The following table summarises the offered product types. EO-SIP product type Operation Mode Geometric Projection Geometric Projection PSP_SM_SSC Stripmap (SM) Single Look Slant Range Complex (SSC) PSP_SM_MGD Stripmap (SM) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_SM_GEC Stripmap (SM) Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) PSP_SM_EEC Stripmap (SM) Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC) PSP_SC_MGD ScanSAR (SC) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_SC_GEC ScanSAR (SC) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_SC_EEC ScanSAR (SC) Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) PSP_SC_SSC ScanSAR (SC) Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC) PSP_SL_SSC Spotlight (SL) Single Look Slant Range Complex (SSC) PSP_SL_MGD Spotlight (SL) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_SL_GEC Spotlight (SL) Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) PSP_SL_EEC Spotlight (SL) Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC) PSP_HS_SSC High Resolution Spotlight (HS) Single Look Slant Range Complex (SSC) PSP_HS_MGD High Resolution Spotlight (HS) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_HS_GEC High Resolution Spotlight (HS) Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) PSP_HS_EEC High Resolution Spotlight (HS) Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC) PSP_ST_SSC Staring Spotlight (ST) Single Look Slant Range Complex (SSC) PSP_ST_MGD Staring Spotlight (ST) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_ST_GEC Staring Spotlight (ST) Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) PSP_ST_EEC Staring Spotlight (ST) Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC) PSP_WS_SSC Wide ScanSAR (WS) Single Look Slant Range Complex (SSC) PSP_WS_MGD Wide ScanSAR (WS) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_WS_GEC Wide ScanSAR (WS) Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) PSP_WS_EEC Wide ScanSAR (WS) Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC) As per ESA policy, very high-resolution data over conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • GEOSAT-1 and 2 ESA archive

    GEOSAT-1 and 2 dataset is composed of products acquired by the GEOSAT-1 and GEOSAT-2 Spanish satellites. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products. GEOSAT-1 standard products offered are: SL6_22P: SLIM6, 22m spatial resolution, from bank P SL6_22S: SLIM6, 22m spatial resolution, from bank S SL6_22T: SLIM6, 22m spatial resolution, 2 banks merged together. GEOSAT-1 products are available in two different processing levels: Level 1R: All 3 Spectral channels combined into a band-registered image using L0R data. Geopositioned product based on rigorous sensor model. Coefficients derived from internal and external satellite orientation parameters coming from telemetry and appended to metadata. Level 1T: Data orthorectified to sub-pixel accuracy (10 metres RMS error approximately) with respect to Landsat ETM+ reference data and hole-filled seamless SRTM DEM data V3, 2006 (90 m). The use of the GCPs, it is not automatic, as it is done manually, which gives greater precision. (GCPs by human operators). GEOSAT-2 standard products offered are: Pan-sharpened (HRA_PSH four-band image, HRA_PS3 321 Natural Colours, HRA_PS4 432 False Colours): a four-band image, resulting from adding the information of each multispectral band to the panchromatic band. The fusion does not preserve all spectral features of the multispectral bands, so it should not be used for radiometric purposes. Panchromatic (HRA_PAN): a single-band image acquired by the panchromatic sensor. Multispectral (HRA_MS4): a four-band image acquired by the multispectral sensor, with band co-registration. Bundle (HRA_PM4): a five-band image contains the panchromatic and multispectral products packaged together, with band co-registration. Stereo Pair (HRA_STP): The image products obtained from two acquisitions of the same target performed from different viewpoints in the same pass by using the agility feature of the platform. It can be provided as a pair of pan sharpened or panchromatic images. GEOSAT-2 products are available in two different processing levels: Level 1B: A calibrated and radiometrically corrected product, but not resampled. The product includes the Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPC), the metadata with gain and bias values for each band, needed to convert the digital numbers into radiances at pixel level, and information about geographic projection (EPGS), corners geolocation, etc. Level 1C: A calibrated and radiometrically corrected product, manually orthorectified and resampled to a map grid. The geometric information is contained in the GeoTIFF tags. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • Landsat 8 Collection 2 European Coverage

    This dataset contains the European coverage of Landsat-8 Collection 2 data, both Level-1 and Level-2, acquired since the beginning of the mission. Landsat-8 Collection 2 is the result of a reprocessing effort on the archive and on newly acquired products with significant improvement with respect to Collection 1 on data quality, obtained by means of advancements in data processing and algorithm development. Primarily, this involves a relevant improvement in the absolute geolocation accuracy (now re-baselined to the European Space Agency Copernicus Sentinel-2 Global Reference Image (GRI) but also includes updated digital elevation modelling sources, improved Radiometric Calibration (even correction for the TIRS striping effect), enhanced Quality Assessment Bands, updated and consistent metadata files and usage of Cloud Optimised Georeferenced (COG) Tagged Image File Format. Landsat-8 Level-1 products combine data from the two Landsat instruments, OLI and TIRS. The Level-1 products generated can be either L1TP or L1GT: L1TP - Level-1 Precision Terrain (Corrected) (L1T) products: Radiometrically calibrated and orthorectified using ground control points (GCPs) and digital elevation model (DEM) data to correct for relief displacement. The highest quality Level-1 products suitable for pixel-level time series analysis. GCPs used for L1TP correction are derived from the Global Land Survey 2000 (GLS2000) data set. L1GT - Level-1 Systematic Terrain (Corrected) (L1GT) products: L1GT data products consist of Level-0 product data with systematic radiometric, geometric and terrain corrections applied and resampled for registration to a cartographic projection, referenced to the WGS84, G873, or current version. The dissemination server contains three different classes of Level-1 products Real Time (RT): Newly acquired Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS data are processed upon downlink but use an initial TIRS line-of-sight model parameters; the data are made available in less than 12 hours (4-6 hours typically). Once the data have been reprocessed with the refined TIRS parameters, the products are transitioned to either Tier 1 or Tier 2 and removed from the Real-Time tier (in 14-16 days). Tier 1 (T1): Landsat scenes with the highest available data quality are placed into Tier 1 and are considered suitable for time-series analysis. Tier 1 includes Level-1 Precision and Terrain (L1TP) corrected data that have well-characterized radiometry and are inter-calibrated across the different Landsat instruments. The georegistration of Tier 1 scenes is consistent and within prescribed image-to-image tolerances of ≦ 12-metre radial root mean square error (RMSE). Tier 2 (T2): Landsat scenes not meeting Tier 1 criteria during processing are assigned to Tier 2. Tier 2 scenes adhere to the same radiometric standard as Tier 1 scenes, but do not meet the Tier 1 geometry specification due to less accurate orbital information (specific to older Landsat sensors), significant cloud cover, insufficient ground control, or other factors. This includes Systematic Terrain (L1GT) and Systematic (L1GS) processed data. Landsat-8 Level-2 products are generated from L1GT and L1TP Level-1 products that meet the <76 degrees Solar Zenith Angle constraint and include the required auxiliary data inputs to generate a scientifically viable product. The data are available a couple of days after the Level-1 T1/T2. The Level-2 products generated can be L2SP or L2SR: L2SP - Level-2 Science Products (L2SP) products: include Surface Reflectance (SR), Surface Temperature (ST), ST intermediate bands, an angle coefficients file, and Quality Assessment (QA) Bands. L2SR - Level-2 Surface Reflectance (L2SR) products: include Surface Reflectance (SR), an angle coefficients file, and Quality Assessment (QA) Bands; it is generated if ST could not be generated. Two different categories of Level-1 products are offered: LC with Optical, Thermal and Quality Map images, LO with Optical and Quality Map images (Thermal not available). For the Level-2 data, only LC combined products are generated.

  • GEOSAT-1 full archive and tasking

    GEOSAT-1 full archive and new tasking products are available at 22 m resolution in two processing levels. L1R (Basic Geopositioned): All 3 spectral channels combined into a band-registered image. Geopositioned product based on sensor model. Coefficients derived from satellite orientation parameters coming from telemetry and appended to metadata L1T (L1R orthorectified): Orthorectified to sub-pixel accuracy (10 metres RMS error approximately) with respect to Landsat ETM+ reference data and hole-filled seamless SRTM DEM data V3, 2006 (90 m). GEOSAT-1 products are provided in DIMAP format. The image products are delivered in the TIFF and GeoTIFF image formats by default. All products can be provided in False Colours (R,G,NIR) or Natural Colours (R, G, Synthetic Blue).

  • GEOSAT-2 full archive and tasking

    GEOSAT-2 full archive and new tasking products are available in different bands combinations: Pan-sharpened (4 bands, 321 Natural Colours or 432 False Colours): A four-band image, resulting from adding the information of each multispectral band to the panchromatic band. The fusion does not preserves all spectral features of the multispectral bands, so it should not be used for radiometric purposes. Resolution 1m (L1B), 0.75m (L1C) or 0.40m (L1D); Bands: All, R-G-B or Ni-R-G Panchromatic: Single-band image coming from the panchromatic sensor. Resolution 1m (L1B) or 0.75m (L1C) Multispectral: Four-band image coming for the multispectral sensor, with band co-registration. Resolution 4m (L1B) or 3m (L1C) Bundle: Panchromatic + Multispectral bands: five-band image containing the panchromatic and multispectral products packaged together, with band co-registration. Resolution 1m+4m (L1B), 0.75m+3m (L1C) or 0.40m+1.6m (L1D); And in addition: Stereo Pair: Obtained from two acquisitions of the same target performed from different viewpoints in the same pass by using the agility feature of the platform. It can be provided as a pair of pan-sharpened or panchromatic images. The image products are delivered in GeoTIFF image format by default. JPEG-2000 format is also available on demand. Available processing levels are ortho-ready L1B (not resampled) and ortho L1C (orthorectified and resampled ). In addition, for Pan-sharpened and Bundle, also L1D (enhanced ortho) super-resolution products are available: based on artificial intelligence, this technology increases the original resolution and detail of an image without losing quality with respect to the original product. Product Type Processing Level and Spatial Resolution Spectral Bands L1B (orthoready) L1C (ortho) L1D (Enhanced Ortho) Pan-sharpened 1.0 m 0.75 m 0.4 m All R, G, B NI, R, G Pan 1.0 m 0.75 m Only Pan band MS 4.0 m 3.00 m Only MS band Bundle (PAN+MS) 1.0 m (P), 4.0 m (MS) 0.75 m (P), 3.0 m (MS) 0.4 m (P), 1.6 m (MS) All As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • Landsat ETM+ ESA archive

    This dataset contains all the Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper high-quality ortho-rectified L1T products (or L1Gt where not enough GCPs are available) over Kiruna, Maspalomas, Matera and Neustrelitz visibility masks. The Landsat-7 ETM+ scenes typically covers 185 x 170 km. A standard full scene is nominally centred on the intersection between a Path and Row (the actual image centre can vary by up to 100 m). Each band requires 50 MB (uncompressed), and Band 8 requires 200 MB (panchromatic band with resolution of 15 m opposed to 30 m). Kiruna, Maspalomas and Matera Landsat-7 ETM density maps

  • Landsat TM ESA archive

    This dataset contains all the Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper high-quality ortho-rectified L1T dataset acquired by ESA over the Fucino, Matera, Kiruna and Maspalomas visibility masks, as well as campaign data over Malindi, Bishkek, Chetumal, and Libreville. The acquired Landsat TM scene covers approximately 183 x 172.8 km. A standard full scene is nominally centred on the intersection between a path and row (the actual image centre can vary by up to 100 m). A full image is composed of 6920 pixels x 5760 lines and each band requires 40 MB of storage space (uncompressed) at 30 m spatial resolution in the VIS, NIR and SWIR as well as 120 m in the TIR spectral range. Kiruna Landsat TM GTC density map Maspalomas Landsat TM GTC density map Matera Landsat TM GTC density map

  • WorldView-4 Full Archive

    WorldView-4 high resolution optical products are available as part of the Maxar Standard Satellite Imagery products from the QuickBird, WorldView-1/-2/-3/4, and GeoEye-1 satellites. All details about the data provision, data access conditions and quota assignment procedure are described into the Terms of Applicability available in Resources section. In particular, WorldView-4 offers archive panchromatic products up to 0.31 m GSD resolution, and 4-Bands Multispectral products up to 1.24 m GSD resolution. Band Combination Data Processing Level Resolution Panchromatic and 4-bands Standard (2A) / View Ready Standard (OR2A) 15 cm HD, 30 cm HD, 30 cm, 40 cm, 50/60 cm View Ready stereo 30 cm, 40 cm, 50/60 cm Map Ready (Ortho) 1:12.000 Orthorectified 15 cm HD, 30 cm HD, 30 cm, 40 cm, 50/60 cm The options for 4-Bands are the following: 4-Band Multispectral (BLUE, GREEN, RED, NIR1) 4-Band Pan-sharpened (BLUE, GREEN, RED, NIR1) 4-Band Bundle (PAN, BLUE, GREEN, RED, NIR1) 3-Bands Natural Colour (pan-sharpened BLUE, GREEN, RED) 3-Band Colored Infrared (pan-sharpened GREEN, RED, NIR1) Native 30 cm and 50/60 cm resolution products are processed with MAXAR HD Technology to generate respectively the 15 cm HD and 30 cm HD products: the initial special resolution (GSD) is unchanged but the HD technique increases the number of pixels and improves the visual clarity achieving aesthetically refined imagery with precise edges and well-reconstructed details.

  • WorldView ESA archive

    The WorldView ESA archive is composed of products acquired by WorldView-1, -2, -3 and -4 satellites and requested by ESA supported projects over their areas of interest around the world Panchromatic, 4-Bands, 8-Bands and SWIR products are part of the offer, with the resolution at Nadir depicted in the table. Band Combination Mission GSD Resolution at Nadir GSD Resolution (20° off nadir) Panchromatic WV-1 50 cm 55 cm WV-2 46 cm 52 cm WV-3 31 cm 34 cm WV-4 31 cm 34 cm 4-Bands WV-2 1.84 m 2.4 m WV-3 1.24 m 1.38 m WV-4 1.24 m 1.38 m 8-Bands WV-2 1.84 m 2.4 m WV-3 1.24 m 1.38 m SWIR WV-3 3.70 m 4.10 m The 4-Bands includes various options such as Multispectral (separate channel for Blue, Green, Red, NIR1), Pan-sharpened (Blue, Green, Red, NIR1), Bundle (separate bands for PAN, Blue, Green, Red, NIR1), Natural Colour (pan-sharpened Blue, Green, Red), Coloured Infrared (pan-sharpened Green, Red, NIR). The 8-Bands being an option from Multispectral (COASTAL, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Red EDGE, NIR1, NIR2) and Bundle (PAN, COASTAL, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Red EDGE, NIR1, NIR2). The processing levels are: Standard (2A): normalised for topographic relief View Ready Standard: ready for orthorectification (RPB files embedded) View Ready Stereo: collected in-track for stereo viewing and manipulation (not available for SWIR) Map Scale (Ortho) 1:12,000 Orthorectified: additional processing unnecessary Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. The following table summarises the offered product types EO-SIP Product Type Band Combination Processing Level Missions WV6_PAN_2A Panchromatic (PAN) Standard/View Ready Standard WorldView-1 and 4 WV6_PAN_OR Panchromatic (PAN) View Ready Stereo WorldView-1 and 4 WV6_PAN_MP Panchromatic (PAN) Map Scale Ortho WorldView-1 and 4 WV1_PAN__2A Panchromatic (PAN) Standard/View Ready Standard WorldView-2 and 3 WV1_PAN__OR Panchromatic (PAN) View Ready Stereo WorldView-2 and 3 WV1_PAN__MP Panchromatic (PAN) Map Scale Ortho WorldView-2 and 3 WV1_4B__2A 4-Band (4B) Standard/View Ready Standard WorldView-2, 3 and 4 WV1_4B__OR 4-Band (4B) View Ready Stereo WorldView-2, 3 and 4 WV1_4B__MP 4-Band (4B) Map Scale Ortho WorldView-2, 3 and 4 WV1_8B_2A 8-Band (8B) Standard/View Ready Standard WorldView-2 and 3 WV1_8B_OR 8-Band (8B) View Ready Stereo WorldView-2 and 3 WV1_8B_MP 8-Band (8B) Map Scale Ortho WorldView-2 and 3 WV1_S8B__2A SWIR Standard/View Ready Standard WorldView-3 WV1_S8B__MP SWIR Map Scale Ortho WorldView-3 As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • QuickBird-2 ESA archive

    The QuickBird-2 archive collection consists of QuickBird-2 products requested by ESA supported projects over their areas of interest around the world. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products over the years. Panchromatic (up to 61 cm resolution) and 4-Bands (up to nominal value of 2.44 m resolution, reduced to 1.63 m when the orbit altitude was lowered to 300 km at the end of the mission) products are available. The 4-Bands includes various options such as Multispectral (separate channel for Blue, Green, Red, NIR1), Pan-sharpened (Blue, Green, Red, NIR1), Bundle (separate bands for PAN, Blue, Green, Red, NIR1), Natural Colour (pan-sharpened Blue, Green, Red), Coloured Infrared (pan-sharpened Green, Red, NIR1), Natural Colour / Coloured Infrared (3-Band pan-sharpened). The processing levels are: STANDARD (2A): normalised for topographic relief View Ready Standard (OR2A): ready for orthorectification View Ready Stereo: collected in-track for stereo viewing and manipulation Map-Ready (Ortho) 1:12,000 Orthorectified: additional processing unnecessary Map-Ready (Ortho) 1:15,000 Orthorectified: additional processing unnecessary Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. The following table summarises the offered product types EO-SIP product type Band Combination Description BGI_PAN_2A Panchromatic (PAN) Panchromatic Standard/Panchromatic Ortho Ready Standard BGI_PAN_MP Panchromatic (PAN) Panchromatic Map Scale Ortho BGI_PAN_OR Panchromatic (PAN) Panchromatic Ortho Ready Stereo BGI_4B__2A 4-Band (4B) 4-Band Standard/4-band Ortho Ready Standard BGI_4B__MP 4-Band (4B) 4-Band Map Scale Ortho BGI_4B__OR 4-Band (4B) 4-Band Ortho Ready Stereo

  • Envisat ASAR AP Co- and Cross-polar L0 [ASA_APC/APH/APV_0P]

    The ASAR Alternating Polarization Mode Level 0 (Co-polar and Cross-polar H and V) products contain time-ordered Annotated Instrument Source Packets (AISPs) corresponding to one of the three possible polarisation combinations: HH & HV, VV & VH and HH & VV, respectively. The echo samples in the AISPs have been compressed to 4 bits/sample using FBAQ. This is a high-rate, narrow swath mode, so data is only acquired for partial orbit segments. There are two co-registered images per acquisition and may be from one of seven different image swaths. The Level 0 product was produced systematically for all data acquired within this mode. Data Size: 56-100 km across track x 100 km along track. There are three AP Mode Level 0 products: ASA_APH_0P: The Cross-polar H Level 0 product corresponds to the polarisation combination HH/HV. ASA_APV_0P: The Cross-polar V Level 0 product corresponds to the polarisation combination VV/VH. ASA_APC_0P: The Co-polar Level 0 product corresponds to the polarisation combination HH/VV= H and H received/V transmit and V received.