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Discover and download the Earth observation data you need from the broad catalogue of missions the European Space Agency operate and support.
  • EarthCARE JAXA L2 Products

    This EarthCARE collection contains the following data products: Level 2a: Single-Instrument Geophysical Products These products are derived from individual instrument data onboard EarthCARE. They provide detailed geophysical parameters and properties specific to each instrument's capabilities for example cloud and aerosol properties derived solely from radar or lidar measurements, offering high-resolution insights into atmospheric phenomena. Level 2b: Synergistic Geophysical Products Level 2b products leverage data from multiple EarthCARE instruments to generate comprehensive, synergistic geophysical datasets. By combining measurements from instruments like radar, lidar, and radiometers, these products offer a more integrated view of cloud-aerosol interactions and atmospheric dynamics. Synergistic products provide enhanced accuracy and depth compared to single-instrument outputs, enabling detailed studies of complex atmospheric processes.

  • EarthCARE ESA L2 Products

    This EarthCARE collection contains the following data products: Level 2a: Single-Instrument Geophysical Products These products are derived from individual instrument data onboard EarthCARE. They provide detailed geophysical parameters and properties specific to each instrument's capabilities for example cloud and aerosol properties derived solely from radar or lidar measurements, offering high-resolution insights into atmospheric phenomena. Level 2b: Synergistic Geophysical Products Level 2b products leverage data from multiple EarthCARE instruments to generate comprehensive, synergistic geophysical datasets. By combining measurements from instruments like radar, lidar, and radiometers, these products offer a more integrated view of cloud-aerosol interactions and atmospheric dynamics. Synergistic products provide enhanced accuracy and depth compared to single-instrument outputs, enabling detailed studies of complex atmospheric processes.

  • EarthCARE L1 Products

    This EarthCARE collection contains the following data products: Level 1b: Fully Calibrated and Geolocated Instrument Science Measurements Level 1b data represents the fully processed, calibrated, and geolocated measurements from EarthCARE's instruments. Each measurement is aligned with the native instrument grid. For the Broadband Radiometer (BBR), measurements are also spatially integrated to various ground pixel sizes. Level 1c (MSI only): MSI Level 1b Data Interpolated to a Common Spatial Grid Specifically for the Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI), Level 1c data involves interpolating Level 1b measurements onto a standardised spatial grid that is consistent across all MSI bands. This grid closely matches the spacing used in MSI Level 1b data. Level 1d: Joint Standard Grid (JSG) for all instruments with ECMWF Meteorological Fields. Level 1d data provides a spatial grid to enable easy collocation and synergistic use of the data from all EarthCARE instruments, named the "joint standard grid." Additionally, this level incorporates ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) meteorological fields limited to the EarthCARE swath, enabling comprehensive analysis and modelling of atmospheric conditions within the satellite's coverage area. CPR level 1b: C-NOM products is generated and provided by JAXA. This product is used as input, in combination with the X-MET aux file, for different processors in the EarthCARE production chain. AUX_MET_1D: meteorological analysis and forecast fields X-MET provided by ECMWF. This product is used as input, in combination with the C-NOM product, for different processors in the EarthCARE production chain.

  • EarthCARE Orbit Data

    EarthCARE data products encompass essential supporting auxiliary (AUX) and orbit data critical for accurate sensor data processing and analysis. Orbit data consists of on-board satellite data and orbital information predicted or determined by the Flight Operations Segment (FOS). For EarthCARE, this includes Reconstructed Orbit and Attitude Files, which provide detailed satellite positioning and orientation information. The integration of AUX and orbit data into EarthCARE's data processing workflow ensures the production of high-quality, scientifically valuable datasets for atmospheric research, climate modelling, and environmental monitoring.

  • EarthCARE ESA L2 Products for the Commissioning Team

    This EarthCARE collection contains the following data products: Level 2a: Single-Instrument Geophysical Products These products are derived from individual instrument data onboard EarthCARE. They provide detailed geophysical parameters and properties specific to each instrument's capabilities for example cloud and aerosol properties derived solely from radar or lidar measurements, offering high-resolution insights into atmospheric phenomena. Level 2b: Synergistic Geophysical Products Level 2b products leverage data from multiple EarthCARE instruments to generate comprehensive, synergistic geophysical datasets. By combining measurements from instruments like radar, lidar, and radiometers, these products offer a more integrated view of cloud-aerosol interactions and atmospheric dynamics. Synergistic products provide enhanced accuracy and depth compared to single-instrument outputs, enabling detailed studies of complex atmospheric processes.

  • EarthCARE Auxiliary Data for Cal/Val Users

    EarthCARE data products encompass essential supporting auxiliary (AUX) and orbit data critical for accurate sensor data processing and analysis. AUX data includes datasets used outside the primary Space Segment stream to apply corrections to sensor data. This comprises previously derived calibration parameters, ground control data, and digital elevation data. Calibration parameters ensure measurement accuracy, while ground control data aids in data validation, and digital elevation data enables precise geolocation. Orbit data consists of on-board satellite data and orbital information. For EarthCARE, this includes Reconstructed Orbit and Attitude Files, which provide detailed satellite positioning and orientation information. The integration of AUX and orbit data into EarthCARE's data processing workflow ensures the production of high-quality, scientifically valuable datasets for atmospheric research, climate modelling, and environmental monitoring.

  • EarthCARE L0 and L1 Products for the Commissioning Team

    This EarthCARE collection for the Commissioning Team contains the following data products: Level 0: Annotated Raw Instrument Source Packets These packets contain unprocessed data as generated by EarthCARE's instruments, annotated with basic metadata in front of each packet Level 1b: Fully Calibrated and Geolocated Instrument Measurements Level 1b products are fully processed, calibrated, and geolocated measurements from EarthCARE's instruments. Each measurement is aligned with the native instrument grid. For the Broadband Radiometer (BBR), measurements are also spatially integrated to various ground pixel sizes. Level 1C (MSI only): MSI Level 1b Data Interpolated to a Common Spatial Grid Specifically for the Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI), Level 1c data involves interpolating Level 1b measurements onto a standardised spatial grid that is consistent across all MSI bands. This grid closely matches the spacing used in MSI Level 1b data. Level 1D: Joint Standard Grid (JSG) for all Instruments and ECMWF Meteorological Fields Level 1d data provide a spatial grid to enable easy collocation and synergistic use of the data from all EarthCARE instruments, named the "joint standard grid." Additionally, this level incorporates ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) meteorological fields limited to the EarthCARE swath, enabling comprehensive analysis and modelling of atmospheric conditions within the satellite's coverage area.

  • EarthCARE L1 Products for Cal/Val Users

    This EarthCARE collection is restrained, and contains the following data products: Level 1B: Fully Calibrated and Geolocated Instrument Science Measurements Level 1b data represents the fully processed, calibrated, and geolocated measurements from EarthCARE's instruments. Each measurement is aligned with the native instrument grid. For the Broadband Radiometer (BBR), measurements are also spatially integrated to various ground pixel sizes. Level 1C (MSI only): MSI Level 1b Data Interpolated to a Common Spatial Grid Specifically for the Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI), Level 1c data involves interpolating Level 1b measurements onto a standardised spatial grid that is consistent across all MSI bands. This grid closely matches the spacing used in MSI Level 1b data. Level 1D: Joint Standard Grid (JSG) for all instruments with ECMWF Meteorological Fields. Level 1d data provides a spatial grid to enable easy collocation and synergistic use of the data from all EarthCARE instruments, named the "joint standard grid." Additionally, this level incorporates ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) meteorological fields limited to the EarthCARE swath, enabling comprehensive analysis and modelling of atmospheric conditions within the satellite's coverage area.

  • EarthCARE ESA L2 Products for Cal/Val Users

    This EarthCARE collection is restrained, and contains the following data products: Level 2a: Single-Instrument Geophysical Products These products are derived from individual instrument data onboard EarthCARE. They provide detailed geophysical parameters and properties specific to each instrument's capabilities for example cloud and aerosol properties derived solely from radar or lidar measurements, offering high-resolution insights into atmospheric phenomena. Level 2b: Synergistic Geophysical Products Synergistic Geophysical Products Level 2b products leverage data from multiple EarthCARE instruments to generate comprehensive, synergistic geophysical datasets. By combining measurements from instruments like radar, lidar, and radiometers, these products offer a more integrated view of cloud-aerosol interactions and atmospheric dynamics. Synergistic products provide enhanced accuracy and depth compared to single-instrument outputs, enabling detailed studies of complex atmospheric processes.

  • EarthCARE JAXA L2 Products for Cal/Val Users

    This EarthCARE collection is restrained, and contains the following data products: Level 2a: Single-Instrument Geophysical Products These products are derived from individual instrument data onboard EarthCARE. They provide detailed geophysical parameters and properties specific to each instrument's capabilities for example cloud and aerosol properties derived solely from radar or lidar measurements, offering high-resolution insights into atmospheric phenomena. Level 2b: Synergistic Geophysical Products Level 2b products leverage data from multiple EarthCARE instruments to generate comprehensive, synergistic geophysical datasets. By combining measurements from instruments like radar, lidar, and radiometers, these products offer a more integrated view of cloud-aerosol interactions and atmospheric dynamics. Synergistic products provide enhanced accuracy and depth compared to single-instrument outputs, enabling detailed studies of complex atmospheric processes.

  • EarthCARE JAXA L2 Products for the Commissioning Team

    This EarthCARE collection contains the following data products: Level 2a: Single-Instrument Geophysical Products These products are derived from individual instrument data onboard EarthCARE. They provide detailed geophysical parameters and properties specific to each instrument's capabilities for example cloud and aerosol properties derived solely from radar or lidar measurements, offering high-resolution insights into atmospheric phenomena. Level 2b: Synergistic Geophysical Products Level 2b products leverage data from multiple EarthCARE instruments to generate comprehensive, synergistic geophysical datasets. By combining measurements from instruments like radar, lidar, and radiometers, these products offer a more integrated view of cloud-aerosol interactions and atmospheric dynamics. Synergistic products provide enhanced accuracy and depth compared to single-instrument outputs, enabling detailed studies of complex atmospheric processes.

  • Aeolus L2A Aerosol/Cloud optical product

    The Level 2A aerosol/cloud optical products of the Aeolus mission include: Geo-located consolidated backscatter and extinction profiles Backscatter-to-extinction coefficient LIDAR ratio, scene classification Heterogeneity index Attenuated backscatter signals. Resolution: Horizontal resolution of L2A optical properties at observation scale (~87 km); Exceptions are group properties (horizontal accumulation of measurements from ~3 km to ~87 km) and attenuated backscatters (~3 km). Note: The resolution of "groups" in the L2A can only go down to 5 measurements at the moment, i.e. ~15 km horizontal resolution. This could be configured to go to 1 measurement - Vertical resolution 250-2000 m (Defined by Range Bin Settings).

  • Odin OSIRIS data products

    The Odin OSIRIS (Optical Spectrograph and Infra-Red Imaging System) data provides vertical profiles measures of spectrally dispersed, limb scattered sunlight from the upper troposphere into the lower mesosphere. The data products are regularly processed and provide Ozone density vertical profiles (both Level 2 and Level 3), vertical profiles of stratospheric Aerosol (both Level 2 and Level 3), slant column densities of nitrogen dioxide NO2 profiles (Level 2), stratospheric BrO profiles (Level 2).

  • GHGSat archive and tasking

    GHGSat data produce measures of vertical column densities of greenhouse gas emissions ((currently CH4, but eventually CO2), provided on a pre-defined area of 12 km x 12 km, from the full sensor field-of-view. GHGSat Catalogue and New Collect data are available in three different data types: Single Observation: a single observation of a scene. Monthly Monitoring: guaranteed 12 successful observations in a year over a given site (once per month or flexible best effort cadence depending on weather). Weekly Monitoring: guaranteed 52 successful observations in a year over a given site (once a week or flexible best effort cadence based on weather), to accommodate large & persistent monitoring needs. Data are provided as an Emissions package containing the following products: Abundance dataset (Level 2): Set of per-pixel abundances in excess of the local background (ppb) for a single species, and per-pixel measurement error expressed as a standard deviation for a single site on a single satellite pass. Data format is 16-bit GeoTIFF. Concentration Maps (Level 2): High readability pseudocolour map combining surface reflectance, and column density expressed in ppb for a single species in PNG format. The relevant abundance dataset is provided as well. Emission Rates (Level 4): Instantaneous rate for a detected emission from a targeted source estimated using abundance datasets from a single satellite pass and applying dispersion modelling techniques. The delivered product includes the emission rate estimate with uncertainty and key dispersion parameters (in CSV format) as well as the abundance dataset used for the emission estimate. This product is only delivered in the Emissions package if an emission is detected within the abundance dataset. The Level 2 products will be delivered regardless of whether or not an emission is detected. The properties of available products are summarised in the table. Band(s) / Beam Mode(s) and Polarisation SWIR (1635-1675 nm), multiple bands, unpolarised Spatial Resolution <30 m Scene size 12 km x 12 km Species Measured CH4 Geometric Corrections Radial distortion, perspective projection Radiometric Corrections Detector pixel response, ghosting, spectral response, atmospheric correction including trace gas modelling and surface reflectance Details about the data provision, data access conditions and quota assignment procedure are described in the GHGSat Terms of Applicability.

  • GOSAT-2 TANSO FTS-2 and CAI-2 full archive and new products

    The TANSO-FTS-2 (Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation - Fourier Transform Spectrometer-2) instrument is an high-resolution 5-bands (NIR and TIR) spectrometer which allows the observation of reflective and emissive radiative energy from Earth's surface and the atmosphere for the measurement of atmospheric chemistry and greenhouse gases. The TANSO-CAI-2 (Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation - Cloud and Aerosol Imager-2) instrument is a push-broom radiometer in the spectral ranges of ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), Near Infrared (NIR) and SWIR (5 bands observe in the forward direction and 5 in backwards direction, with LOS tilted of 20 degrees) for the observation of aerosols and clouds optical properties and for monitoring of air pollution. The GOSAT-2 available products are: FTS-2 Level 1A products contain interferogram data observed by FTS-2, together with geometric information of observation points and various telemetry. In addition, data from an optical camera (CAM) near the observation time are also stored. Two different products for day and night observations. Common data contain common information for SWIR/TIR including CAM data; SWIR data contain information from SWIR band; TIR data contain information from TIR band FTS-2 level 1B products contain spectrum data, which are generated by Fourier transformation and other corrections to raw interferogram data in L1A. The sampled CAM data near the observation time are also stored. Two different products for day and night observations. Common data contain common information for SWIR/TIR including CAM data; SWIR products for SWIR spectrum data before and after sensitivity correction; TIR products for TIR spectrum data after sensitivity correction using blackbody and deep space calibration data and after correction of finite field of view FTS-2 NearRealTime products: FTS-2 data are first processed with predicted orbit file and made immediately available: NRT product does not include monitor camera image, best-estimate pointing-location, and target point classification but is available on the ESA server 5 hours after sensing. After a few days (usually 3 days), data is reprocessed with definitive orbit file and sent as consolidated product FTS-2 Level 2 products: Column-averaged Dry-air Mole Fraction" products store column-averaged dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric gases retrieved by using Band 1-3 spectral radiance data in TANSO-FTS-2 L1B; "Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Proxy Method (FTS-2_02_SWPR)" products store solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence data retrieved from Band 1 spectral radiance data in L1B Product as well as column-averaged dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric gases retrieved from Band 2 and 3 spectral radiance data in L1B Product. Both products are obtained by using the fill-physic maximum a posteriori (MAP) method and under the assumption of of clear-sky condition CAI-2 Level 1A products contain uncorrected image data of TANSO-CAI-2, which is stored as digital number together with telemetry of geometric information at observation point, orbit and attitude data, temperature, etc. One scene is defined as a satellite revolution data starting from ascending node to the next ascending node. Common data contain common information for both Forward looking and Backward looking; FWD products contain information for Forward looking bands, from 1 to 5; BWD products contain information for Backward looking bands, from 6 to 10 CAI-2 Level 1B products contain spectral radiance data per pixel converted from TANSO-CAI-2 L1A Products. Band-to-band registration of each forward- and backward- viewing band is applied; ortho-correction is performed to observation location data based on an earth ellipsoid model using digital elevation model data CAI-2 Level 2 products: Cloud Discrimination Products stores clear-sky confidence levels per pixel, which are calculated by combining the results of threshold tests for multiple features such as reflectance ratio and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), obtained from spectral radiance data in GOSAT-2 TANSO-CAI-2 L1B Product. This product also stores cloud status bit data, in which results of individual threshold tests and quality flags are summarized. The full ESA archive and newly acquired/systematically processed GOSAT2 FTS-2 and CAI-2 products are (ESA collection name versus JAXA product name): FTS-2 L1A Common day (FTS-2_1A_COMMON_DAY) FTS-2 L1A Common night (FTS-2_1A_COMMON_NIGHT) FTS-2 L1A SWIR day (FTS-2_1A_SWIR_DAY) FTS-2 L1A TIR day (FTS-2_1A_TIR_DAY) FTS-2 L1A TIR night (FTS-2_1A_TIR_NIGHT) FTS-2 L1B Common day (FTS-2_1B_COMMON_DAY) FTS-2 L1B Common night (FTS-2_1B_COMMON_NIGHT) FTS-2 L1B SWIR day (FTS-2_1B_SWIR_DAY) FTS-2 L1B TIR day (FTS-2_1B_TIR_DAY) FTS-2 L1B TIR night (FTS-2_1B_TIR_NIGHT) FTS-2 L2 Column-averaged Dry-air Mole Fraction (FTS-2_0) FTS-2 L2 Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Proxy Method (FTS-2_02_SWPR) CAI-2 L1A Common (CAI-2_1A_COMMON) CAI-2 L1A Forward viewing (CAI-2_1A_FWD) CAI-2 L1A Backward viewing (CAI-2_1A_BWD) CAI-2 L1B (CAI-2_1B).

  • Announcement of Opportunity for NoR

    ESA invites submissions for the Network of Resources (NoR) call, which aims to support research, development and pre-commercial users to innovate their working practices, moving from a data download paradigm towards a 'bring the user to the data' paradigm.

  • EPATAN 2016

    The main scientific objectives of EPATAN 2016 (Earthcare PrepAraTion cAmpaigN) were derived from the scientific objectives of EarthCARE.

  • GOSAT TANSO FTS and CAI full archive and new products

    The TANSO-FTS instrument on-board GOSAT satellite features high optical throughput, fine spectral resolution, and a wide spectral coverage (from VIS to TIR in four bands). The reflective radiative energy is covered by the VIS and SWIR (Shortwave Infrared) ranges, while the emissive portion of radiation from Earth's surface and the atmosphere is covered by the MWIR (Midwave Infrared) and TIR (Thermal Infrared) ranges. These spectra include the absorption lines of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). The TANSO-CAI instrument on-board GOSAT satellite is a radiometer in the spectral ranges of ultraviolet (UV), visible, and SWIR to correct cloud and aerosol interference. The imager has continuous spatial coverage, a wider field of view, and higher spatial resolution than the FTS in order to detect the aerosol spatial distribution and cloud coverage. Using the multispectral bands, the spectral characteristics of the aerosol scattering can be retrieved together with optical thickness. In addition, the UV-band range observations provide the aerosol data over land. With the FTS spectra, imager data, and the retrieval algorithm to remove cloud and aerosol contamination, the column density of the gases can be the column density of the gases can be retrieved with an accuracy of 1%. The full ESA archive and newly acquired/systematically processed GOSAT FTS and CAI products are available in the following processing levels: FTS Observation mode 1 L1B, day (FTS_OB1D_1) FTS Observation mode 1 L1B, night (FTS_OB1N_1) FTS Special Observation L1B, day (FTS_SPOD_1) FTS Special Observation L1B, night (FTS_SPON_1) FTS L2 CO2 profile, TIR (FTS_P01T_2) FTS L2 CH4 profile, TIR (FTS_P02T_2) FTS L2 CH4 column amount, SWIR (FTS_C02S_2) FTS L2 CO2 column amount, SWIR (FTS_C01S_2) FTS L2 H2O column amount, SWIR (FTS_C03S_2) FTS L3 global CO2 distribution, SWIR (FTS_C01S_3) FTS L3 global CH4 distribution, SWIR (FTS_C02S_3) FTS L4A global CO2 flux, annual in text format (FTS_F01M4A) FTS L4A global CO2 flux, annual in netCDF format (FTS_F03M4A) FTS L4A global CO2 distribution (FTS_P01M4B) FTS L4A global CH4 flux, annual in text format (FTS_F02M4A) FTS L4A global CH4 flux, annual in netCDF format (FTS_F04M4A) FTS L4A global CH4 distribution (FTS_P02M4B) CAI L1B data (CAI_TRB0_1) CAI L1B+ (CAI_TRBP_1) CAI L2 cloud flag (CAI_CLDM_2) CAI L3 global reflect. distrib. clear sky (CAI_TRCF_3) CAI L3 global radiance distrib. all pixels (CAI_TRCL_3) CAI L3 global NDVI (CAI_NDVI_3). All products are made available as soon as processed and received from JAXA. To satisfy NearRealTime requirements, ESA also provides access to the FTS L1X products, which are the NRT version of FTS L1B products. The main difference between L1X and L1B is that L1X does not include CAM data, best-estimate pointing-location, and target point classification, but most of all the L1X products are available on the ESA server between 2 and 5 hours after acquisition. The L1X products remains on the FTP server for 5 days, the time for the corresponding L1B to be available. A document describing the differences between L1X and L1B products is listed in the available resources. For more details on products, please refer to below product specifications.

  • Aura OMI complete NASA dataset

    The OMI observations provide the following capabilities and features: A mapping of ozone columns at 13 km x 24 km and profiles at 13 km x 48 km A measurement of key air quality components: NO2, SO2, BrO, HCHO, and aerosol The ability to distinguish between aerosol types, such as smoke, dust and sulfates The ability to measure aerosol absorption capacity in terms of aerosol absorption optical depth or single scattering albedo A measurement of cloud pressure and coverage A mapping of the global distribution and trends in UV-B radiation. The OMI data are available in the following four levels: Level 0, Level 1B, Level 2, and Level 3. Level 0 products are raw sensor counts. Level 0 data are packaged into two-hour "chunks" of observations in the life of the spacecraft (and the OMI aboard it) irrespective of orbital boundaries. They contain orbital swath data. Level 1B processing takes Level 0 data and calibrates, geo-locates and packages the data into orbits. They contain orbital swath data. Level 2 products contain orbital swath data. Level 3 products contain global data that are composited over time (daily or monthly) or over space for small equal angle (latitude longitude) grids covering the whole globe.


    The objective of (WALEX) was to collect valuable data to provide representative lidar measurements of water vapour and aerosol properties in different climatic zones.