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- SAOCOM data collection now ope...
SAOCOM data collection now open
03 Dec 2021
SAOCOM (Satélite Argentino de Observación COn Microondas) is now part of ESA's Third Party Missions Programme, in which ESA has an agreement with ASI to distribute data products from the mission. The SAOCOM-1 mission is composed of two L-band SAR satellites (SAOCOM-1A and -1B) which aim to provide effective Earth observation and disaster monitoring capabilities. For more details see the SAOCOM Mission Description.
SAOCOM data products acquired over the ASI Zone of Exclusivity (European territory and Mediterranean) are available to registered users (for registration details, see ASI SAOCOM web page) through the ASI SAOCOM Data Hub.
Details of the data set specifications can be found on the SAOCOM Data Collection page.