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Issue with Cryo-TEMPO Polar Ocean Baseline C data and Cryo-TEMPO short downtime

04 Jul 2024

An issue has been found with Cryo-TEMPO Polar Ocean Baseline C data, which provides sea level anomaly (SLA) and dynamic ocean topography (DOT) values over some stretches of land. 

The relevant team is working to solve the issue and aim to upload an updated version on the CryoSat Science Server during the summer (file names will end in C002). Users will be informed as soon as the issue has been fixed. 

Additionally, due to technical maintenance, the Near Real Time (NRT) generation of the Cryo-TEMPO Polar Ocean and Winter Sea Ice products will be unavailable between Friday 5 July and Monday 8 July.  

The maintenance activity will also impact the generation of monthly products over four thematic regions (Land Ice, Winter and Summer Sea Ice and Polar Ocean), which will be released with a few days of delay. Missing files will be uploaded to the Science Server as soon as possible after Monday July 8. 
