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Etna Volcano (Italy), November 2006
These images, acquired by the Envisat satellite in 2006, depict the Etna volcano during its eruptive activity. The first image clearly shows a plume of smoke rising from Mount Etna. In the second image, the smoke plume can still be seen, though it is partially obscured by clouds.
- Image 1: Product: ENVISAT.MER.FRS_1P, Satellite: Envisat, Instrument: Medium Level 1 Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS), Instrument Features: Full Resolution image (300 metre resolution), Layer Combination: 7 (Red); 5 (Green); 2 (Blue), Acquisition Date: 25 November 2006, Orbit: 24768, Orbit Direction: Descending
- Image 2: Product: ENVISAT.MER.FRS_1P, Satellite: Envisat, Instrument: Medium Level 1 Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS), Instrument Features: Full Resolution image (300 metre resolution), Layer Combination: 7 (Red), 5 (Green), 2 (Blue), Acquisition Date: 05 December 2006, Orbit: 24911, Orbit Direction: Descending